
  • 网络Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao
  1. 据香港大公报报道说,这位大亨曾在韩战期间(1950-53)不顾以美国为首的国家对中国的禁运,向大陆提供帮助。

    The tycoon sent aid to the Chinese mainland despite a US-led embargo during the Korean War ( 1950-53 ), the Hong Kong-based newspaper Ta Kung Pao reported .

  2. 仪式被香港大公报、东南早报、福州晚报、东南卫视、福建电视台、福州电视台、福建人民广播电台等媒体报道。

    The event was reported by The Ta Kung Pao Hong Kong , Southeast Morning Post , Fuzhou Evening Post , Southeast Post , Fujian TV , Fuzhou TV and Fujian People 's Radio , among others .