
  • 网络The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions;Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions;Federation of Trade Unions
  1. 妇女事务会〔香港工会联合会〕

    Women Affairs Committee [ Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions ]

  2. 职业安全健康委员会〔香港工会联合会〕

    Occupational Safety and Health Committee [ Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions ]

  3. 香港工会联合会〔工联会〕中华全国工商业联合会

    Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions FTU All China National Industry and Commerce Association

  4. 香港公务员工会联合会

    Hong Kong Federation of Civil Service Unions

  5. 该联盟于本月早些时候成立,得到了香港最大工会组织香港工会联合会(FederationofTradeUnions)的支持。

    The group was formed earlier this month with the backing of Hong Kong 's biggest worker organisation , the Federation of Trade Unions .