
cháng wěi
  • member of the standing committee
常委[cháng wěi]
  1. 周日,市委常委、常务副市长李士祥出席在康卡斯特NBC环球集团纽约总部举行的签约仪式。

    Li Shixiang , Member of Standing Committee of CPC Beijing Committee and executive vice-mayor of Beijing , attended the signing ceremony at New York headquarter of the US cable company NBCUniversal on Sunday .

  2. 全国政协常委、国家电网公司董事长刘振亚

    Liu Zhenya , CPPCC National Committee member and chairman of State Grid Corporation of China

  3. 目前七名政治局常委中就有两位来自国企。

    Two of the seven members of the current Politburo Standing Committee rose through SOEs .

  4. 1955年当选为中国科学院数学物理学部委员,兼任学术委员会常委。

    In 1955 he was elected committee member of Mathematics and Physics Department of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Standing Committee of Academy .