
  • 网络conventional agriculture;conventional farming
  1. 与常规农业相比,有机农业的环境破坏风险较低。

    Comparing to conventional agriculture , risks of environmental damage brought by organic agriculture are much less .

  2. 有机农业是常规农业的一种替代形式,是一种可持续发展农业。

    Organic agriculture is an alternative form of conventional agriculture , and it is a kind of sustainable development .

  3. 在本区域当地农民所采用的常规农业管理措施下,小麦-玉米轮作农田氮素平衡处于盈余状态,小麦季盈余+115.5~+124.5kgNha~(-1),明显高于玉米季;

    The N surplus under wheat was + 115.5 ~ + 124.5 kg N ha ~ ( - 1 ), higher than that under maize .

  4. 常规农业所带来的环境破坏影响越来越被人们所认识。

    Harmful environmental impacts induced by conventional farming have been recognized by more and more people .

  5. 目前主要市场为林业及生态农业,但该市场空间有限,需尽快打开常规农业市场。

    Currently , the major markets of insect-virus pesticide are forestry and ecological agriculture , but the market space is limited .

  6. 阐述了生态农业产业化的内涵以及生态农业产业化与常规农业产业化的区别。

    This paper has introduced the intension of eco-agricultural industrialization and the differences between eco - agricultural industrialization and conventional agriculture industrialization .

  7. 因此,除了常规农业生产活动(喷洒农药、施用化肥等)可能带入重金属之外,污水灌溉也可能增加白银农业区重金属的输入。

    Thus , besides of the traditional agricultural activities ( use of fertilizer and pesticide ), wastewater irrigation could also increase the input of heavy metals in the area .

  8. 当前,西方流行集约与持续对立的说法,认为所谓的“常规农业”和中国的集约农业、三高农业是不可持续的。

    It is a quite popular idea in the west world that agricultural intensification is contrary to the sustainability and the " Conventional Agriculture " or intensive farming is unsustainable .

  9. 与有机农业相比,环保型农业在技术上有较强的操作性。与常规农业相比,在农业生产上具有较强的可持续性,能较好地处理经济、社会和生态环境之间的关系。

    Environmental Friendly Agriculture has better technical operability than Organic Agriculture , and has better sustainability than conventional agriculture , and it can deal with the relationship of economy , society and ecological environment better .

  10. 常规农业近几十年在全球得到了快速发展,在为人类提供大量丰富农产品的同时,也给人类的生存带来了一定的潜在危害。

    Conventional agriculture gets the rapid development in recent decades in the world , provides a number of rich agricultural products at the same time , also brought a certain potential hazards to human survival .

  11. 但兵团地处中国西北边疆,气候干旱少雨,生态复杂脆弱,常规农业生产方式已无法支撑起兵团农业的可持续发展。

    But the it located in northwest borderland of China , the climate of there is drought and the environment is complicated , the conventional farming cannot lead it to realize sustainable development of agriculture .

  12. 近年来,不断发生的食品安全事故及生态环境的不断恶化引起了人们对常规农业的反思,在国内外需求的拉动下,有机农业在我国呈现了巨大的发展潜力。

    In recent years , Repeatedly occurring food safety affairs and the depravation of eco-environment raises reflection of conventional agriculture , Driven by demand at home and abroad , organic agriculture at our country presented a huge development potential .

  13. 与常规农业相比,特色农业具有较强地域性、产品优质性、较高商品性和经济高效性等特征。制度创新、技术进步与市场改革是促进特色农业发展的主要因素,是核心变量。

    Compared with conventional agriculture , characteristic agriculture has many features : obvious regionality , high quality of products , promising marketability and high efficiency in economy , etc , regulation innovation , technology advancement and market reform are the main factors of promoting the characteristic agriculture development .

  14. 在简要阐述现代农业与农业现代化基本内涵的基础上引入农业发展模式的概念,讨论了常规农业与持续农业的区别与历史渊源,强调了持续型农业发展模式对世界农业现代化发展的影响;

    Introduced the basic concept of agriculture developmental model based on the description of modern agriculture and agricultural modernization , and discussed on the differences and historical relation between conventional and sustainable agriculture , and stressed to the effluence of the sustainable model to the development of world agricultural modernization .

  15. 讨论了北京常规集约农业的特点,分析了其可持续发展面临的问题。

    In this paper the authors analyzed the main features and facing problems of Beijing ′ s conventional intensive agriculture .

  16. 常规和有机农业耕作方法的比较

    A comparison of conventional and organic agriculture methods

  17. 本文在分析绿洲传统农业、常规绿洲现代农业的基础上,结合绿洲生态环境的特点、绿洲发展农业的制约因素等,指出在绿洲必须发展绿洲现代农业。

    This paper think oasis agriculture must develop to be modern oasis agriculture , as the basis of analyzing traditional oasis agriculture , conventional oasis agriculture and combining characteristics of the oasis ecological environment .