
chánɡ shè jī ɡuān
  • permanent organization
  1. 董事会作为公司的常设机关有权代表公司向内部人行使利益归入权,这一点毋庸置疑。

    Board of Directors as a permanent organ of the company has the right to represent the Company to exercises the disgorgement .

  2. 但是股东大会不是公司常设机关,所以在大陆法系国家设置监事会行使公司内部监督职能,在英美法系国家设置独立董事行使公司内部监督职能。

    But the stockholder committee is not set office so that supervision board special authority is set in civil law countries and independent special directors supervision authority is set in English and American law countries .

  3. 董事是股东大会或监事会选举产生的,执行公司业务或者对外代表公司的董事会的必要成员或必要常设机关。

    Directors , who are selected by shareholder 's meeting and board of supervisors , and in charge of executing corporate affairs or sharing representation , are necessary members of board of directors or necessary standing organ .

  4. 当然,在试点改革中也出现了一些问题需要继续探索,比如党代表的专业性资格问题、党代会常任制的理论定位问题以及要不要设立党代会常设机关的问题和党内分权的问题等等。

    However , some problems need attaching more attention continuously , just as the problem of the professionalism of representatives , theoretical orientation , whether to establish the standing committee or not , and power-dividing inside the party .

  5. “仲裁裁决”一词不仅指专案选派之仲裁员所作裁决,亦指当事人提请仲裁之常设仲裁机关所作裁决。

    The term " arbitral awards " shall include not only awards made by arbitrators appointed for each case but also those made by permanent arbitral bodies to which the parties have submitted .