
xiànɡ pí tú zhānɡ
  • rubber stamp
橡皮图章 [xiàng pí tú zhāng]
  • (1) [rubber stamp]

  • (2) 盖印用的橡皮图章

  • (3) 按照常规而常不加判断地赞同、批准或处理(文件或政策等),或受别人或其他机构之命令或示意而赞同、批准或处置

  1. 议会被看作橡皮图章,只会批准他人的决定。

    Parliament is seen as a rubber stamp for decisions made elsewhere .

  2. 基本上所有交到邮局柜台的文件都会加盖橡皮图章。

    In Post Offices , virtually every document that 's passed across the counter is stamped with a rubber stamp .

  3. 他还曾是前苏联橡皮图章立法机构最高苏维埃(SupremeSoviet)的成员。

    He also served as a member of the Supreme Soviet , the U.S.S.R. 's rubber-stamp legislative body .

  4. 上世纪50年代,他成为巴塞罗那市议会(BarcelonaCityCouncil)的一员,由此进入政坛,随后又加入了佛朗哥的橡皮图章议会&西班牙上议院。

    In the 1950s he entered politics via Barcelona city council , later joining Franco 's rubber-stamp Cortes , Spain 's upper house of parliament .

  5. 为了制作泡沫我从我的参考资料调出泡沫图像并利用CloneStamp(橡皮图章)工具来把它们融合在一起。

    To do the foam I took the foam images from my references and applied them using the Clone Stamp tool to blend them in .

  6. 为了赢得对冲基金业务,同时获得尽职调查的橡皮图章、让设计好的CDO能够销售出去,投行聘请顺从的CDO经理,这些经理会轻易批准对冲基金的选择。

    To win the hedge funds ' business , while also gaining the due diligence rubber stamp needed to mark the resultant CDOs fit for sale , investment banks recruited pliant CDO managers who signed off the hedge funds ' choices .

  7. 盖有受益人橡皮图章的单据将不予接受。

    Rubber stamp signatures of the beneficiary on documents are not acceptable .

  8. 异见遭到压制,选举成了党员代表的橡皮图章式例行公事。

    Dissent was crushed , elections an exercise in rubber-stamping party candidates .

  9. 书记官用橡皮图章在文件上盖上了他的署名。

    The clerk impressed his signature on the documents with a rubber stamp .

  10. 最后,他翻出了一颗我用来注目是参考数据的橡皮图章。

    Finally he unearthed one of the rubber stamps I used to identify reference books .

  11. 在纸页上端的方块橡皮图章戳记上,他们姓名的首字母仍清晰可见。

    Their initials were still legible on the boxshaped rubber stamp at the top of the page .

  12. 在今年2月,他也曾轻意许诺要进行立法改革,并对他的橡皮图章国会进行选举。

    He also made flimsy promises of legislative reform and elections for the rubber-stamp parliament in February .

  13. 公司的橡皮图章要换了,再去刻一枚吧!

    The rubber stamp of the company needs to be changed , go and have another one made .

  14. 官员们没有过多透露该计划细节,甚至忽视了橡皮图章功能般的立法机关。

    Officials have provided only the barest of details of this . The rubber-stamp legislature has not been consulted .

  15. 一块渗透着墨水的可吸收性材料;它被用来把墨水均匀地涂到橡皮图章上。

    A block of absorbent material saturated with ink ; used to transfer ink evenly to a rubber stamp .

  16. 例外情况是罗兹标牌,它没有标牌,在它上部是橡皮图章城市名称。

    The exception is the Lodz label , which lacks the tab and shows rubber-stamped city name in its upper portion .

  17. 然而,重要时刻评估往往会变成橡皮图章,而非对项目状况的严格审察。

    All too often , however , milestone reviews turn into rubber stamps rather than rigorous examinations of the programme status .

  18. 即便如此,越南国会也从原先的橡皮图章变成了真正开展辩论、履行督查职责的地方。

    Even so , the National Assembly , once a rubber stamp , has become a forum for real debate and scrutiny .

  19. 位于乌拉圭的代理机构制作了这种带有航行指示的橡皮图章图画纪念邮戳,这在飞艇邮政历史上是独一无二的与企业有关的首创精神。

    An agent in Uruguay created rubber stamp pictorial cachets with the routing instructions , a unique entrepreneurial initiative in Zeppelin post history .

  20. 几年后,该公司开始为整个西班牙的橡皮图章制造商提供机器设备和消耗品。

    A few years later , the company began a rubber stamp for the whole of Spain manufacturers of machinery and equipment and consumables .

  21. 准确的说,正因如此,本届政府一直在努力确保这些已经完成租约签订的石油勘探工作尽可能在最高标准要求下进行,对阿拉斯加近海的钻探更是量身制定规范,防范风险。我们不当橡皮图章,滥发许可。

    That 's precisely why my administration has worked to make sure that our oil exploration conducted under these leases is done at the highest standards possible ,

  22. 这个一年一度的闭门会议在人民大会堂举行,聚集了来自全国各地的近3000名代表,但它基本上是一个橡皮图章式的立法机构。

    This annual Conclave in the Great Hall of the people , drawing almost 3000 delegates from all corners of the country , is basically a rubber-stamp legislature .

  23. 在公布其“压力测试”结果之时,美国财政部必须提供足够的信息,让投资者相信:该过程并非一种受到操纵的、橡皮图章式的行动。

    When the Treasury releases the results of its " stress tests " , it must give enough information to reassure investors that the process was not a rigged rubber-stamping exercise .

  24. 关于朴的撤职只是在国家新闻机构的一个简短的声明中提到,这个机构是按照朝鲜国民议会的决议做出的。该议会被认为是“橡皮图章”式的议会(随声附和)。

    His removal was mentioned briefly at the end of a state news agency report on the annual meeting of the Supreme People 's Assembly , North Korea 's rubber stamp parliament .

  25. 今年3月,在中国橡皮图章性质的全国人大召开年度会议期间,他在大街上被人掳走,塞进一辆没有牌照的汽车,戴上头罩,送到一个不明地点。

    During the March annual meeting of China 's rubber-stamp parliament he was grabbed off the street , bundled into an unmarked car and hooded before being driven to an unknown location .

  26. 董事会的运行主要分析了怎样避免成为经理手中的橡皮图章,并对中国公司董事会的质量问题进行了详细的分析和说明;

    The operation of the board mainly analyzed how to avoid being the " rubber stamp " in the managers and described and analyzed the quality problem of the directs board of Chinese enterprises ;

  27. 他们说,该机构越来越像当前政府的橡皮图章,而这个机构是在人们对核能工业得到更独立的监督的厚望下成立的。

    They said the agency , which had started amid high hopes for more independent oversight of the nuclear industry , was looking more and more like a rubber stamp for the current administration .

  28. 可事实上却是:经营者不仅承担了管理企业日常经营活动的任务,而且成为企业事实上的战略决策者,董事会远离了企业的战略决策过程,成为一个橡皮图章。

    But in fact , the manager not only undertakes the task of daily activities , but also becomes the person who makes strategic decisions , In this occasion , board of directors go far away the process of strategic decisions and become a " rubber stamp " .