
  • 网络Rubber glove;Latex Gloves
  1. 切辣椒时要戴橡胶手套,因为辣椒会刺激皮肤。

    Wear rubber gloves while chopping chillies as they can irritate the skin .

  2. 清理猫粪时要带上橡胶手套。

    Wear rubber gloves when handling cat litter .

  3. 她处理样品的时候戴着手术口罩和橡胶手套。

    She wore a surgical mask and rubber gloves while she worked with the samples .

  4. 这样看来,要想避免敌人获取你的DNA,以后出门时发网和橡胶手套可都要随身携带啦。

    To keep your DNA out of enemy hands , it 's best not to leave the house without a hairnet and rubber gloves .

  5. 用纳米SiO2改性胶乳制备新型医用橡胶手套

    Natural Rubber Latex Modified by Nano SiO_2 to Prepare Medical Gloves

  6. 应当使用丁腈橡胶手套和安全眼镜(来操作WD-40)。

    Nitrile rubber gloves and safety glasses should be used .

  7. 这和橡胶手套又扯上什么关系了?

    What does a rubber glove have to do with this ?

  8. 外科医生戴上橡胶手套开始工作。

    The surgeon put on rubber gloves and begin to work .

  9. 小手提箱或手推车,用来装运身边的东西。橡胶手套。

    Small suitcase or hand truck to lug everything around .

  10. 如果要偷点什么,就弄些橡胶手套吧。

    If you 're gonna steal something , steal some rubber gloves .

  11. 马来西亚贡献了全球橡胶手套市场的67%。

    Malaysia supplies about 67 percent of the worldwide rubber glove market .

  12. 当加入电池补充液时,要使用安全眼镜、橡胶手套。

    Do always use the safety mask and safety glasses , rubber gloves .

  13. “橡胶手套,清洁毛巾,镜子,厕纸,眼药水。”

    rubber gloves , sanitary towels , mirror , toilet paper , eyewash .

  14. 橡胶手套,强力烤箱清洁剂,金属擦,软布

    Rubber gloves , Heavy duty oven cleaner , metal scourer , soft cloth

  15. 医用橡胶手套的滑石粉上粉剂量及上粉时间的研究

    Study on lubricating dosage and time of time of talc powder applied in medical gloves

  16. 制造过程中产生的硫及其化合物,如:橡胶手套、氯丁橡胶和丁基橡胶。

    Sulphur and compounds made from this process : i.e.Latex gloves , neoprene and butyl rubber .

  17. 她会用到橡胶手套,消毒剂,马桶清洁剂和马桶塞。

    She 'll need some rubber gloves , disinfectant , bowl cleaner , and a plunger .

  18. 橡胶手套,清洁剂,两面用家用海绵,橡胶滚轴,纸巾

    rubber gloves , cream cleaner , household sponge with two sides , a squeegy , paper towels

  19. 工人穿的大褂是白色的,手上戴的橡胶手套死尸般煞白。

    The overalls of the workers were white , their hands gloved with a pale corpse-coloured rubber .

  20. 请在使用和回收硒调色液时穿戴橡胶手套。

    You should also ensure that you wear rubber gloves in all use and disposal of this product .

  21. 橡胶手套,大海绵,玻璃清洁喷瓶,清洁滚轴,纸巾

    rubber gloves , a large sponge , a glass cleaning spray , a squeegy , and paper towels

  22. 我们总会带着婴儿湿巾、酒精凝胶、橡胶手套以及可以把头发固定到脑后的发带。

    We always have baby wipes , alcohol gel , rubber gloves and hairbands to tie people 's hair back .

  23. 美国的发明创造,像是橡胶手套、洗涤剂、吸尘器,过了几十年才在英国流行起来。

    American innovations , such as rubber gloves , detergents and vacuum cleaners , took decades to arrive in Britain .

  24. 雷贝特先生迅速从车里出来,戴上橡胶手套,撕开那个被乱丢的垃圾袋。

    Mr. Rebete jumped out , slid on a pair of latex gloves and ripped open the stray trash bag .

  25. 那你为什么不戴我给你买的洗碗用橡胶手套?

    Well , then why don 't you wear the rubber gloves I bought for you to do the dishes ?

  26. 开始清洁工作之前,戴上橡胶手套,把浴室边缘所有瓶瓶罐罐以及其他物品都拿走。

    Before you begin , put on some rubber gloves and remove all bottles and other items away from the edge of around the bath .

  27. 橡胶手套,清洁剂,金属擦,家用海绵,旧牙刷,浴盆或桶,布

    rubber gloves , cream cleaner , a metal scourer , a household sponge , an old toothbrush , a tub or bucket , and a cloth

  28. 没有事物能让英国佣人与时俱进。美国的发明创造,像是橡胶手套、洗涤剂、吸尘器,过了几十年才在英国流行起来。

    Nor could anything modernise them . American innovations , such as rubber gloves , detergents and vacuum cleaners , took decades to arrive in Britain .

  29. 还有橡胶手套、空气清新剂、抗噪耳机、防狼警笛、防狼喷雾、多语言版“已占用”的牌子。

    And rubber gloves , uh , air freshener . Um , noise-cancelling headphones . Oh , danger whistle . pepper spray . Ooh , a multi-language " Occupied " sign .

  30. 将洗盘子用的盆子或锅放入洗涤槽里,加入一些洗洁精,然后装满热水。如果需要的话,可以戴上橡胶手套。

    Place the dish tub or large pan in the sink , squirt some dishwashing liquid into it , and fill the tub with hot water.Put rubber gloves on if you want .