
pào jiǎn
  • natron;natronite
泡碱[pào jiǎn]
  1. 政府还垄断了啤酒、盐和泡碱(用于保存木乃伊的碳酸钠)的生产和销售。

    The government kept monopoly control of beer , salt and natron ( sodium carbonate used in the preservation of mummies ) .

  2. 他的皮肤被涂上了一层油脂和松香制成的混合物,并浸泡在一种泡碱溶液里。这种泡碱是在埃及干涸的河床上发现的一种矿盐。

    His skin was covered in a mixture of oils and resins and bathed in a solution of Natron , a salt found in dried-up river beds in Egypt .