
  1. 常回家看看,生活更甜甜!

    Often goes home has a look , the life is sweeter sweetly !

  2. 无论如何,常回家看看,和我们分享你的幸福生活。

    Do come back , from time to time , and let us know .

  3. 例如,他们应该常回家看看父母,陪陪他们。

    For example , they ought to go back home often to see their parents and accompany them .

  4. 有一首流行的中国歌曲叫《常回家看看》,意在鼓励人们花更多的时间陪他们已经退休的父母。

    There is a popular Chinese song , named " Go Home Often ", which encourages people to spend more time with their retired parents .

  5. 罗培新还表示,江苏、广东和北京已经出台了类似的法案,呼吁子女们“常回家看看”。

    Luo said that Jiangsu and Guangdong provinces as well as Beijing already have similar regulations , asking children to " come back home often . "

  6. 有一首歌曲叫《常回家看看》,有一种渴望叫常出去转转,说白了就是旅游。

    Have one song shout " go home and read frequently ", have one aspiration ask , go out to walk around often , frankly speaking just travel .

  7. 还有的人觉得法律规定子女必须常回家看看,给那些不孝敬父母的人敲敲警钟,挺好的。

    Others think that it is a good thing to have the adult children restrained legally to visit their parents and give warnings to those who are not filial obedient .

  8. 不管走到天南地北,大丰永远都是你我的家园;常回家看看,常来交流交流,让你我的心声在这里放飞。

    No matter walks far apart , greatly abundant forever all is your myhomeland ; often goes home has a look , often exchanges , lets your myaspiration release for flight in here .

  9. 现在爸爸依然在外地工作,每年很少能回来,我想说爸爸您要注意身体,常回家看看。

    Now my father is still in the field , few can come back every year , I want to say my father should pay attention to your body , Chang Huijia look .

  10. 这份新地方监管法案旨在保障老年人的权益。法案指出,年轻人应该尽到自己的责任,要“常回家看看”,在经济上和精神上给父母以支持。

    Adults should fulfill their duty to give economic and spiritual support to their parents and " come back home often , " according to the new regulation on protecting elderly people 's rights and interests .

  11. 陈年老友,恭喜发财!出门在外,岁岁平安!常回家看看,生活更甜甜!

    Aging old friend , wishing you a prosperous new year ! Is away from home , the year old year old is safe ! Often goes home has a look , the life is sweeter sweetly !