
hòu niáng
  • stepmother
后娘 [hòu niáng]
  • [stepmother] 父亲后来娶的妻子

后娘[hòu niáng]
  1. 如果这做母亲的是后妈,那看到的人则会认为天下做后娘的确实残忍,因而敢下手。

    If a stepmother had done this , then people would have considered the stepmother to be so cruel that she had the heart to do so .

  2. 与这些数据库系统相比,ApacheDerby数据库就像是被遗忘的后娘生的孩子一样。

    Compared to these database systems , the Apache Derby database may seem like the forgotten stepchild .

  3. 它们有两个母亲,两个全是后娘:无知和穷困;

    They have two mothers , both step-mothers , ignorance and misery .