
  • 网络Tokyo Dome City
  1. 我从那里换了几趟火车,在后乐园站(Korakuen)下车,走到东京大学(UniversityofTokyo)的小石川植物园(KoishikawaBotanicalGardens)。

    From there , I hopped a couple of trains over to the Korakuen station and walked up to the University of Tokyo 's Koishikawa Botanical Gardens .

  2. 由于气温居高不下,东京后乐园游乐场将“鬼屋”的开放时间延长了一个月。

    With temperatures still running high , Tokyo Dome City Attractions has extended its ghost house opening by a month .

  3. 迪士尼度假区上周四发布消息称,在开业4个月后,上海迪士尼乐园将增加第一个新园区--玩具总动园。

    A Toy Story Land will be the first new addition to Shanghai Disneyland after it opened four months ago , sources with the resort said last Thursday .