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  1. 《后汉纪》作为东汉时期的编年史展现了历史资料保存于编辑上的创新。

    Records of the Later Han Dynasty , annals of the Eastern Han , shows innovation in the preservation and compilation of historical material .

  2. 其中最著名的是陈寿(233——297)所著的《三国志》、司马彪(?——306)所著的《续汉书》和袁宏(328——376)所著的《后汉纪》。

    notably the History of the Three Kingdoms by Chen Shou ( 233 - 297 ) , An Extension of the History of the Han Dynasty by Sima Biao ( ? - 306 ) and Records of the Later Han Dynasty by Yuan Hong ( 328 - 376 ) .