
  • 网络after impression;afterimpression;aftersensation;after sensation
  1. 我睡醒后感觉精力充沛,神清气爽。

    I awoke feeling rested and refreshed .

  2. 完成一项工作后感觉很好。

    It feels good to have finished a piece of work

  3. 抗焦虑治疗后感觉阈值有所增高(P0.05)。

    The threshold was elevated after anti-anxiety treatment ( P 0.05 ) .

  4. 目的探讨环化酶激活剂(前列腺素E1、腺苷及Zn2+离子)对周围神经损伤后感觉神经元的保护作用。

    To observe the protective effect of cyclase activator on sensory neurons after peripheral nerve injury .

  5. 大鼠尾状核出血后感觉皮质神经通路的变化及GFAP的表达

    Changes in the Pathway of Somatosensory Cortex and the Expression of GFAP after Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Rats

  6. 我们用英斯特朗(Instron)湿梳理性和洗发后感觉来评估它们的调理性。

    Conditioning performance was measured by the Instron wet combing method and sensory evaluations .

  7. 研究人员发现,三分之一的人们在浏览Facebook后感觉心情更糟,对生活更加不满;而那些只是浏览却没有上传任何信息的人受到的负面影响最深。

    The researchers found that one in three people felt worse after visiting the site and more dissatisfied with their lives , while people who browsed without contributing were affected the most .

  8. 观察BP、HR、PP、SpO2、病人入睡时间、睁眼时间以及病人术后感觉、能自由活动时间。

    To observe BP , HR , SPO2 , the time of falling asleep , the time of eyes oopen , the feeling after operating and the time for free-running .

  9. 复方中药对神经损伤后感觉神经元超微结构变化的研究

    Study on the ultrastructural change of sensory neurons after nerve injury

  10. 目的:通过动物实验,观察无神经支配的皮瓣移植术后感觉神经有无再生及其再生规律。

    Objective : To observe whether the sensory nerve can regenerate .

  11. 术后感觉疼痛者有36例,占30%。

    36 patients ( 30 % ) feeled pain after operation .

  12. 我是16周,四个月后感觉到胎动的。

    I was16 weeks , four months after feeling fetal movement .

  13. 神经端侧吻合重建足部皮瓣手术后感觉功能

    Maintenance of foot sensory function by end - to-side neurorrhaphy

  14. 颈7神经根选择性束组移位术后感觉影响的比较研究

    Comparative study on sensory change after selective C_7 root transfer

  15. 声称委托人吃了蛋糕后感觉不舒服。

    Claimed that his client got sick eating the cake she ordered .

  16. 不是所有人都会在午睡醒来后感觉精神焕发。

    Not everyone wakes from a nap feeling refreshed .

  17. 昨天晚上我工作五个小时后感觉困乏。

    I felt sleepy after I worked for about five hours last night .

  18. 腹针治疗脑卒中后感觉障碍20例临床观察

    Clinical Observation of 20 Patients with Post-Stroke Sensory Disturbance Treated by Abdominal Acupuncture

  19. 今天做完腰穿后感觉怎么样?

    How are you feeling today after spind puncture ?

  20. 弥可保对断指再植后感觉恢复的疗效评价

    Effect of Methycobal on sensory recovery after finger replantation

  21. 你喝了这井的水后感觉会好的。

    You will feel well after you drink the water from this well .

  22. 我坐在后座觉得不舒服。病人手术后感觉良好。

    The patient is comfortable after his operation .

  23. 有天早上,老虎起床后感觉特别兴奋。

    There was this tiger who woke up one morning really feeling his oats .

  24. 不易起球,面料舒适,使用后感觉温暖舒适。

    Not easy pilling fabrics is comfortable , after use feeling warm and comfortable .

  25. 我听到后感觉受到重击。

    I heard and felt a thump .

  26. 医生:你好,吉布森先生,心脏手术后感觉怎么样?

    Doctor : How are you now , Mr. Gibson , after your heart operation ?

  27. 说明病人可能的术后感觉。

    Describe what client will experience postoperatively .

  28. 如服用后感觉喉咙内有异物,速饮用大量冰鲜奶或冰水。

    After having Ur medicine , remember to drink more cold water or cold fresh milk .

  29. 午餐后感觉累累的。现在真想打个盹。

    I 'm so tired after our lunch . I think I 'll take a nap .

  30. 皮瓣供区创面用整张中厚皮片覆盖后感觉恢复的临床观察

    A clinical study on the sensory recovery of denervated wound surface covered with thick split skin graft