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  • 网络General of the Rear
  1. 男人结婚前是奴隶,结婚后是将军。

    Men are slaves before getting married , but become into generals after getting married .

  2. 但是,以色列经过了这么多战争后,将军们学到一件事情了吗?

    But , through all the country 's many wars had the generals learnt a single thing ?

  3. 输掉了这场决定性的战役后,那位将军不得不承认失败。

    After losing this decisive battle , the general was forced to concede .

  4. 几年后,罗马将军马尔塞鲁斯攻陷锡拉丘兹。

    Several years later , Syracuse was captured by Marcellus , the Roman general .

  5. 他自己也重新服役,后被晋升将军。

    He entered his second term of service and was promoted to general later on .

  6. 一周后,维西将军带着答案回到白宫。

    One week later , the general returned to the White House with his answer .

  7. 数小时后,格兰特将军骑马穿过乡间小路,来到阿波马托克斯法院的一座山村。

    A few hours later , General Grant rode into the crossroads village of Appomattox Court House .

  8. 解放后,很多将军仍然喜欢使用家乡的粗棉大布制作床单、衣服。

    After liberation , many still prefer to use general home production of coarse cotton cloth sheets , clothes .

  9. 打败匈牙利部队,并且残酷地杀害了13个军队领袖后,奥地利将军们碰杯痛饮庆祝。

    After defeating Hungarian forces and savagely killing thirteen of their military 's leaders , Austrian generals were celebrating by smugly clinking glasses and drinking beer .

  10. 美利坚邦联军队在钱瑟勒斯维尔战役胜利后,李将军挥军北上,与米德率领的联邦军在葛底斯堡战役遭遇。

    After the Confederate victory at the Battle of Chancellorsville , Lee invaded the North and engaged Union forces under George Meade at the momentous Battle of Gettysburg .

  11. 总统逃走后,几位将军夺取了。

    The generals seized power after the president fled .

  12. 秦始皇统一中国后,他派将军蒙恬为首的部队去镇压匈奴,并获得辽阔的土地。

    After Qin Emperor Shihuang unified China , he sent forces led by general Meng Tian to suppress the Huns , and gained much land .

  13. 你们的一位曾祖签署过《独立宣言》,另一位是华盛顿参谋部的一名将军,他在萨拉托加之役后接受了伯戈因将军的投降。

    One of your great-grandfathers signed the Declaration , and another was a general on Washington 's staff , and received General Burgoyne 's sword after the battle of Saratoga .