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fèng huáng
  • phoenix;fenghuang;feng huang;a Chinese phoenix;fung-hwang
凤凰 [fèng huáng]
  • [feng huang;fung-hwang;a Chinese phoenix] 具有鲜艳羽毛和优美体型和动作的一种鸟,从前中国皇宫里将它驯养,并与神话中的凤凰相联系,作为好运的象征,有人认为它就是眼斑冠雉(青鸾)

凤凰[fèng huáng]
  1. 以湘西境内凤凰铅锌矿区不同区域的地表水为对象,研究了铅锌矿区水体中Pb、Zn、Hg等元素的污染状况及成因。

    The concentrations and distribution patterns of lead , zinc , mercury in surface water of Fenghuang lead-zinc deposit area of western Hunan province and its natural and human causes were studied .

  2. S7-200PLC在凤凰水电站辅机监控系统改造中的应用

    Application of S7-200 PLC to auxiliaries control system reform of Fenghuang Hydropower Station

  3. 凤凰剧社演出《朱诺与孔雀》。

    Phoenix Players present ' Juno and the Paycock ' .

  4. 我是经典传奇故事,我从野鸡变凤凰。

    I 'm the legendary3 story of rags to riches .

  5. 昨天我们一路开车去了凤凰城。

    We drove all the way to Phoenix yesterday .

  6. 凤凰的姊妹从南海径直飞往北海。

    Wan1 zhou , phoenix 's sister , flew from South sea from North Sea directly .

  7. 过路人并不痛惜金钱,只恨自己没能把凤凰献给楚王。

    The passerby did not value the money but regret that he could not present it to the king .

  8. 这件事在全国传开,人们都以为那山鸡是只真凤凰。

    This story went around the whole country , and every one believed that it was a true phoenix .

  9. 人马用烧鼠尾草产生的火焰和烟雾来提炼他们观星的结果(凤凰社,第27章)

    Centaurs burn this , observing the fumes and flames to refine the results of their stargazing ( OP27 ) .

  10. 过路人想把凤凰献给楚王,没想到过了一夜,山鸡就死了。

    The passerby wanted to present it to the king of the state of Chu . But out of his expectation , the pheasant died the next day .

  11. 据介绍,CR400BF-G型复兴号高寒动车组系在复兴号动车组“金凤凰”的基础上进行了高寒适应性技术提升。CR400BF-G型复兴号高寒动车组具有耐高寒、抗风雪等特点,能够在-40℃的天气下运行。

    The CR400BF-G Fuxing bullet trains are designed to withstand the climate in extremely cold areas that may be hit by blizzards , which can keep out the snow and cold air .

  12. 楚王得知这件事后,也被臣民的一片忠心所感动,于是召见了要献凤凰的人,给了他买凤凰十倍的赏赐。

    Hearing of this , the king of the state of Chu was moved by the loyalty3 of his subjects . The king then called in the man who had wanted to present the phoenix , and gave him awards that were worth ten times the money he had paid for the pheasant .

  13. 第一章首先简单介绍ERP项目及其风险,接着介绍了凤凰纸业ERP项目及其风险管理的情况。

    The chapter one introduces the ERP Project , and profile of NPPC ERP project and its risk management .

  14. Nasa为救援队提供了健康与心理问题方面的意见,并帮助设计了救生舱凤凰二号(PhoenixTwo)。

    Nasa advised the rescue team on health and psychological issues , and helped to design Phoenix Two , the rescue cage .

  15. 在2004年夏天,我开始为我的公司要求的特定功能凤凰小型CRM应用程序的工作。

    In the summer of2004 I started work on a mini-CRM application called Phoenix with specific features for my company .

  16. NPR新闻,裘德·约菲·布洛克凤凰城报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Jude Joffe-Block in Phoenix .

  17. 根据广告行业媒体《广告时代》(AdAge)的一项估算,仅凤凰城大学(UniversityofPhoenix)一家就每年花费2亿美元用于电视和互联网推广。

    The University of Phoenix alone spends over $ 200 million a year on television and Internet pitches , according to an estimate from Madison Avenue trade paper ad age .

  18. 凤凰湖墅(PhoenixLakeGardens)是常州北部的一处楼盘,其20层的高层公寓楼针对的是中产阶层。3月21日,业主聚集在这处楼盘前方。

    On March 21 , protesters lined up in front of Phoenix Lake Gardens , a middle-class complex of 20-story apartment towers in northern Changzhou .

  19. 作为唯一获准在中国内地播出的民营华语电视台,凤凰卫视(PhoenixSatelliteTV)的北京办事处却坐落在钓鱼台国宾馆,尽显其特殊的地位。

    Phoenix Satellite TV , the only private network allowed to broadcast in China in Chinese , demonstrates its special status by having its Beijing offices in the Diaoyutai state guesthouse .

  20. 本文以凤凰纸业公司的ERP项目为例,对实施ERP系统将面临的外部风险和内部风险如决策风险、实施风险、转变风险和运行风险作了较深刻的论述。

    As an example , the risk from outside and inside such as decision making risk , implementing risk , management risk and start up risk were discussed hi this thesis .

  21. 伯顿提到的另一条理由是:只有在披露调查结果后,“凤凰四董事”(phoenixfour)所设立的一项旨在惠及当地人的信托基金才能够兑付。

    Another reason cited by Mr burden was that a trust fund set up by the Phoenix four to benefit local people would not pay out until the inquiry had revealed its findings .

  22. 英国商务部已表示,将寻求通过法律途径,剥夺以工业家约翰托尔斯(johntowers)为首的“凤凰四董事”担任公司董事的资格。

    The Department for business has said that it will pursue legal proceedings to disqualify the four men , who were led by the industrialist John towers , from being company directors .

  23. 身为NASA的天体生物学家又是“凤凰”项目联合研究员的克里斯。迈凯说,科学家们肯定已经想出了办法用现有科学仪器来验证这一假设。

    However , scientists must come up with a way to do that using the mission 's existing scientific instruments , said NASA astrobiologist and Phoenix co-investigator Chris McKay .

  24. 克里斯•纪尔兹(ChrisGuilds)今年34岁,在美国亚利桑那州的凤凰城和得克萨斯州的达拉斯长大,13年前初到捷克。

    Brought up in Phoenix , Arizona , and Dallas , Texas , Chris Guilds , 34 , first visited the Czech Republic 13 years ago .

  25. 他的公司作为CIA凤凰计划的一部分,承包在南越个省建立拷问/刑中心。

    His " firm " contracted the building of the interrogation / torture centers in every province of South Vietnam as part of the CIA 's Phoenix Program .

  26. 根据与GT达成的协议,苹果要在凤凰城附近设计建造一家工厂并出租给GT,其电力将来自专为该厂建造的太阳能电池阵。

    Under the agreement with GT , Apple was to design and build a facility near Phoenix , and lease it to GT , drawing power from a purpose-built solar array .

  27. 美国亚利桑那州凤凰城雷鸟国际管理学院(Thunderbird)的玛丽•蒂加登(MaryTeagarden)教授已研究中国企业长达30载。

    Mary Teagarden , a professor at the Thunderbird school of global management in Phoenix , Arizona , has been studying Chinese businesses for three decades .

  28. 研究中排名第一的HawaiianAirlines航供公司飞抵八个西海岸城市、拉斯维加斯、凤凰城,以及夏威夷群岛,菲律宾、澳大利亚,萨摩亚和塔希提岛。

    Hawaiian Airlines , No.1 in the study , flies to eight West Coast cities , Las Vegas and Phoenix in addition to the Hawaiian Islands and to the Philippines , Australia , Samoa and Tahiti .

  29. 通用汽车公司首席信息官兰迪•莫特(RandyMott)在新闻稿中宣布了这个举措,他表示,大凤凰城地区是出色的枢纽,吸引了新兴技术人才&从大学毕业生到职场专业人士。

    The greater Phoenix area is a fantastic hub of emerging technical talent – from university graduates to working professionals , said GM CIO Randy Mott in a release announcing the move .

  30. 为了满足海外需求,凤凰还计划将为Ofo生产不同类型的自行车。

    In addition , Phoenix plans to produce various versions of bikes for Ofo based on overseas demand .