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  1. 陆云研究

    A Study on Lu Yun

  2. 作为二陆之一的陆云,受其兄文学成就的影响,往往被研究者们忽视。

    Lu Yun , one of the " two Lus ", is often ignored by researchers because of his brother 's effects on literature .

  3. 陆机、陆云兄弟是西晋政坛、文坛的重要人物,有着广泛的政治与文化影响。

    Lu Ji , Lu Yun brothers were important figures in Western Jin dynasty , having wide range influence on literature , culture and politics .

  4. 本论文立足于前人的研究,力图尽可能客观地探讨陆云及其文学创作、文学思想。

    My thesis is based on past researches , and trys to study Lu Yun , his creative work and his literary idea in a possibly objective way .

  5. 为重振家族,陆机、陆云徘徊近十年后毅然仕晋。

    In order to restore the Lu 's family , the Lu brothers , Lu Ji and Lu Yun , decided to be officials in the Jin period after wandering for about ten years .

  6. 陆云勉励他说:“古人清晨通晓事理,即使夜晚死去都感到欣慰,何况你的前程远大。

    Lu Yun encouraged him by saying : " The ancients would be gratified even if they came to thoroughly understand the truth in the early morning but died at night , let alone you with a promising future .

  7. 《笑林》之后,历史上又出现了《陆云笑林》、《世说新语·俳调》、侯白《启颜录》、朱揆《谐嚎录》等专以笑话为题材的专著。

    After " Joke Book ", in the history presented " Lu Yun Xiao Lin ", " Shi Shuo Xin Yu ", Hou Bai " Qi Yan Lu ", Zhu Kui " Xie Hao Lu " and so on specially take the joke as the theme monograph .