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  • 网络Lu Yi;Open Your Eyes
  1. 陆毅是一个非常英俊的电影明星。

    Lu Yi is a very handsome film star .

  2. 陆毅神父知道其意&他听到天主圣言并实践之。

    Luis knew what that meant – he heard the Word of God and did it .

  3. 爸爸:陆毅,38岁

    Dad : Lu Yi , 38

  4. 他的扮演者是中国的万人迷陆毅。然而他在本剧中尴尬的表演却遭到了网友们的批评,尤其是他和他的银幕妻子演对手戏的部分。

    He is played by Chinese heartthrob Lu Yi , whom netizens have criticised for his awkward acting , particularly in scenes with his screen wife .

  5. 作为节目中最时尚的老爸,演员陆毅耍帅当然很在行,我们常常能在节目中看到他一身潇洒打扮,搭配时髦配饰,还跟女儿穿“父女装”。

    As one of the most stylish fathers in the show , actor Lu Yi certainly knows how to look sharp . We often see him wearing chic clothes , snazzy accessories and matching outfits with his daughter Bei'r.