
lù jūn zhōnɡ jiànɡ
  • lieutenant general
  1. 民国二十五年(1936)蒋介石授马鸿逵陆军中将衔。

    In twenty-five years ( 1936 ) Chiang Kai-shek granted the title of Lieutenant General Mahong Lee .

  2. 1866年的今天,美国国会通过了一项批准设陆军上将军衔的立法(现在被叫作“五星上将”)。陆军中将尤利西斯·修·格兰特成为首位被授予此军衔的人。

    1866-The U.S.Congress passes legislation authorizing the rank of General of the Army ( now called " 5-star general ") . Lieutenant General Ulysses S.Grant becomes the first to have this rank .

  3. 陆军中将,海军陆战队中将美国陆海空三军陆战队中军衔高于陆军中尉低于准将的委任军官。

    A commissioned military officer in the US Army or Air Force or Marines who ranks above a lieutenant colonel and below a brigadier general .

  4. 鲍曼:陆军退役中将詹姆斯·杜比克曾是美国驻伊拉克最重要的训练员之一。

    BOWMAN : Retired Lieutenant General James Dubik served as one of the top U.S. trainers in Iraq .