
  • 网络hunan tv;hunan satellite tv;HNTV;hunantv
  1. 湖南卫视计划今年开始播放这些制式的节目,但它也希望,itv能播放他们在海外制作的节目。

    Hunan TV plans to start broadcasting the programming this year but also hopes ITV can take the shows they make overseas .

  2. 湖南卫视很乐意这么做,因为他们希望这将帮助他们走出国门,打入国际市场,ITVStudios驻香港的地区主管詹姆斯罗斯(JamesRoss)表示。

    Hunan TV is happy with that because they hope this will help them get out there on the global market , said James Ross , regional director for ITV Studios Global Entertainment in Hong Kong .

  3. 现年二十九岁的Jessie之前担任《英国之声》及《澳大利亚之声》的音乐导师被曝将要来2018湖南卫视《歌手》节目来对抗几位世界级的歌手。

    The 29-year-old , who previously appeared as a judge on The Voice UK and Australia , is reported to be going up against several world renowned vocalists on Hunan TV 's The Singer 2018 .

  4. 巴特利特表示,itv和湖南卫视将集中精力开发无剧本节目即真人节目秀,而不是肥皂剧因为他们的理念和共同的人类情感“更容易打动人”。

    ITV and Hunan TV will also concentrate on unscripted programmes shows with studio guests rather than soap operas because their ideas and common human feelings " travel more easily " , Mr Bartlett said .

  5. 2月14日,伴随着现场动感的音乐和富有节奏性的鼓点,韩国人气天团EXO登上了湖南卫视的舞台,加入到于当晚举办的元宵喜乐会的强大阵容中去。

    Flanked by a DJ and a drummer , South Korean pop group Exo sauntered onto the stage at the Hunan Satellite TV station on Friday , joining the line-up for the Lantern Festival Show .

  6. 产业化背景下湖南卫视娱乐节目分析

    The Context of Industrialization of Hunan Satellite TV 's Entertainment Programs Analysis

  7. 《武媚娘传奇》在以流行节目著名的省级电视台湖南卫视播出。

    a provincial television station known for its popular programs .

  8. 节目由湖南卫视制作,可谓大获成功。

    The show is a programming success for Hunan TV .

  9. 卫星沿着轨道运行,湖南卫视经营策略对电信运营业的启发

    Hunan Satellite TV Business Strategy of the Telecom Operators Inspiration

  10. 这并非湖南卫视首次尝试这种开放式结局了。

    It 's not the first time the network has tried multi-endings .

  11. 而在偶像剧自制方面,湖南卫视成为了一个成功的典范。

    Hunan TV is a successful model of such .

  12. 湖南卫视拒尽了《期间》周刊的采访,也不理睬对李宇春举行摄影。

    Hunan Entertainment Channel refused TIME 's requests to interview or photograph Li .

  13. 湖南卫视掀起了中国新闻电视改革的新一轮狂飙。

    Hunan TV station is the leader of the reformation of Chinese news programs .

  14. 湖南卫视通过娱乐节目成功吸引了年轻观众。

    Hunan TV has proved successful in addressing a young audience with entertainment programmes .

  15. 在湖南卫视的营销模式中,可以看到如果就事论事,只针对一部偶像剧做单一的营销,其效果并不好。

    It will be ineffective if Hunan TV only marketing for a single play .

  16. 一个成功的范例便是“湖南卫视”,它的综艺节目收视率目前在国内仅次于央视。

    One successful example is Hunan TV 's gala , which now ranks second .

  17. 对由湖南卫视主办的“超级女声”,人们持有两种不同的观点。

    There are two different ideas about Super Girl held by Hunan Satellite Television .

  18. 他还是最早出现在2020年湖南卫视推出的《歌手·当打之年》的首发歌手之一。

    Zhou Shen was one of the initial singers to appear on Singer 2020 .

  19. 宁波广电集团封杀湖南卫视的法学透视

    The Legal Perspective of " Ningbo Radio and Television Group Blocked Hunan Satellite TV "

  20. “快乐女声”是由湖南卫视基于一项全国年度赛事的基础之上创办的,于2009年5月拉开帷幕。

    Super Girl was based on an annual national contest held by HST since May2009 .

  21. 重大新闻事件报道对打造媒体影响力的启示&以湖南卫视为例

    Enlightenment for Media Gaining Influence from News-reporting on Great Incident & Example as Hunan Satellite TV

  22. 湖南卫视:有实力自然有魅力

    HUNAN TV : Strength Results Charm

  23. 周三和周四时,记者始终未能联系到湖南卫视在长沙的总部。

    Telephone calls seeking comment went unanswered on Wednesday and Thursday at Hunan TV 's headquarters .

  24. 而在中国广播电视行业中,湖南卫视的品牌经营却可以说是一个奇迹。

    In Chinese broadcast TV industry the brand management of Hunan Satellite Television Station is a miracle .

  25. 2005年夏,湖南卫视超级女声以迅雷之速唱红大江南北。

    During the summer in 2005 , Super Girl from Hunan TV promptly popularized all around China .

  26. 数月前,湖南卫视就在自制暑期档电视剧《童话二分之一》中试用了这种双重结局的理念。

    Just a few months ago the network experimented with the double-ending concept in its summer series Fairytale .

  27. 在湖南卫视2010年《快乐男声》比赛中,一名男扮女装的选手成为大众争论的焦点。

    A cross-dressing competitor has triggered a major controversy after participating in Hunan TV 's 2010 Happy Boys .

  28. 这档名为《奇妙的朋友》的节目是湖南卫视最近的一个大热门。

    The show , called " Wonderful Friends , " is the latest programming success from Hunan TV .

  29. 根据周一签署的协议,湖南卫视未来3年将授权使用几种电视制式。

    Under the agreement signed on Monday , Hunan TV will license several formats over the coming three years .

  30. 湖南卫视也推出了一个节目,主要考察参赛者的身体强度,那就是《真正男子汉》。

    Hunan TV also launched an action program that mainly tests competitors ' physical strength called Takes a Real Man .