
  1. 泸沽湖是高原湖泊,湖水面积52平方公里,水面海拔2685米。

    It is a plateau lake with a total area of52 square kilometers , 2685 meters above sea level .

  2. 对于无脆弱区,要加强艾比湖湖区和高山冰雪区的环境保护,合理利用水资源,稳定湖水面积,严禁滥挖乱采高山植物。

    To non-vulnerable area , we should intensify protection of Ebinur Lake area and alpine snow-ice covered areas , rationally use water resource , stabilize the lake area and forbid destroy alpine vegetation .

  3. 在它的南面是一个面积很大的3A级国家公园,公园里湖水的面积有84个足球场那么大,这里是干燥多尘的北京城拥有的稀有的景地。

    To its south is a giant3A-rated park with a sweeping lake the size of84 football fields , a rare landscape in the dusty capital known for its dry climate .