
  1. 湖南巡抚调动频繁且思想保守;

    The second is that the conservative governor of Hunan was frequently transferred to anther post ;

  2. 在湖南巡抚任内,陈宝箴于社会赈济用力甚勤,其赈务是围绕其社会赈济思想而展开。

    He always engaged in social relief and his relief work was carried out around his ideas of social relief .

  3. 另外,湖南巡抚参加了会展并得头等赏牌和纪念牌各一个(很可能是类似于当今的组织奖)。

    Hunan Provincial Governor at that time also attended the expo and won the top award and the souvenir medal , similar to today 's organization medal .

  4. 在最终确定湖南巡抚骆秉章入川之前,督川人选曾经有过数次的变更,这其实是当时动荡政局一系列回应的结果。

    Before finally fixing on Luo Bingzhang , the person selected to govern Sichuan had ever changed several times , which was the result of the a series of response of the precarious political situation .