
  • 网络Hubei Institute of Fine Arts;Hubei Institute Of Fine Acts
  1. 本文主要研究了以下内容:1.湖北美术学院新校区雨水资源利用现状。

    Hubei Institute of Fine Arts New Campus rainwater resource utilization status .

  2. 湖北美术学院师范系水彩专业的建立,为湖北水彩的发展打下了坚实的基础。

    Establishment of watercolour profession in the Teacher-training Department in Hubei Institute of Fine Arts built solid basis for Hubei 's development of watercolour .

  3. 我是湖北美术学院三年级的学生。

    I am a third-year student at Hubei Academy of Fine Arts .

  4. 2007年有幸继续深造,考入湖北美术学院,攻读美术教育专业硕士研究生。

    In 2007 , was to continue studying , hubei academy of fine arts education professional postgraduate study .

  5. 第二章运用数据分析的方式来研究湖北美术学院新校区的规划设计特点。

    Chapter II of the survey data used to analyse the Hubei Academy of Fine Arts of the new campus planning and design and landscape features .

  6. 1985年在湖北美术学院建立水彩画专业,这在八大美院应是开创性的工作,具有挑战性。

    The watercolour profession was set up in Hubei Institute of Fine Arts in1985.This is the innovative work with challenges in the eight Institutes of Fine Arts .

  7. 第三章对湖北美术学院的规划,空间,建筑,节点和景观进行分类论述。

    The third chapter of the Hubei Academy of Fine Arts planning , space , construction , and space nodes and a detailed analysis of the landscape .

  8. 感谢湖北美术学院美术馆和武汉的艺术家们为招待会精心筹划艺术邀请展,给我们一个大好机会一睹你们的灵感与才华。

    I thank Hubei Art Academy and Wuhan artists for donating their services to mount an art exhibit at the reception and share their artistic inspirations with us .

  9. 剖析湖北美术学院新校区的区域特点和存在问题,积极构建生态景观保护与合理利用的平台。

    Analysis of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts New Campus of the regional characteristics and problems , and actively build ecological landscape protection and rational use of the platform .

  10. 首先我向主办单位湖北美术学院和承办单位武汉瑞安天地房地产发展有限公司表示祝贺。通过他们的安排,24位杰出的武汉当代女性画家的作品出现在武汉天地,展示在我们眼前。

    Let me fist congratulate Hubei Institute of Fine Art for sponsoring this unique exhibit for us to appreciate the wonderful works of art by24 Wuhan contemporary women artist at Wuhan Tiandi .

  11. 史金淞1969年出生于湖北丹阳,1994年进入湖北美术学院学习,主修雕塑。

    Born in Danyang County , Hubei Province in1969 , Shi Jinsong enrolled at the Hubei Academy of Fine Arts in1994 , majoring in sculpture .