
jù tāo fèn
  • leader in the National Salvation Movement
  1. 作为中国现代史上著名的新闻出版家和政论家,邹韬奋是一个有着重大影响的历史人物。

    Zou Tao-fen is a great influence person in modern Chinese history .

  2. 邹韬奋是我国近代最伟大的出版家之一。

    Zhou Tao-fen was one of the greatest publisher in the present-day .

  3. 邹韬奋读者中心观及其实践

    ZOU Tao-fen ' Reader Center Viewpoint and Its Practice

  4. 邹韬奋:现代编辑出版大师的优秀代表

    Zou Taofen : A Master in Editing and Publication Who deserves the Name

  5. 论邹韬奋的女子教育思想

    Women education ideas of ZOU Tao-fen

  6. 论邹韬奋的民众救亡实践与思想

    On ZOU Tao-fen 's Thought and Practice of Saving the Nation from Extinction Depending on the People

  7. 为了挽救民族危亡,邹韬奋积极从事“唤起民众”以抗敌救国。

    Communist party of China is the only leading group to awaken the public to save the nation .

  8. 邹韬奋的读者中心观是指导他个人进行编辑实践的原则。

    ZOU Tao - fen ' " Reader Center Viewpoint " is the principle to direct others to edit .

  9. 光辉的人格敬业的典范&纪念记者、编辑、出版家邹韬奋逝世65周年

    Brilliant Personality and Example of Devotion & To the Memory of News-reporter , Editor , Publisher , Zou Tao-fen

  10. 借助各种组织的力量,邹韬奋引领青年不断地追求进步,同时也将其事业推向了成功之路。

    With the aid of organizations , Zou Tao-fen led youth to purse progress , and Zou succeeded in his cause .

  11. 全心全意为最大多数民众服务是邹韬奋办刊精神具体实践的集中体现。

    Serving the most majority of people is a concentrated reflection of the concrete practice of Zou Tao-fen 's publication spirit .

  12. 在中国现代文化史上,邹韬奋无愧于文化传播大师的称号。

    In the history of china 's modern culture , Zou Taofen is worthy of the title of propagating the master of culture .

  13. 通过邹韬奋成功的期刊经营管理模式探讨他所倡导的诚信服务和人性化管理对于今天办刊人所具有的现实意义。

    Through his successfully periodical management , it probes the realistic meaning of his cordial service and humanized management to today 's periodical runner .

  14. 邹韬奋在《生活》周刊上设立的《读者信箱》专栏,最大的特色是不断改革创新;

    Constant reform and innovation is the most outstanding characteristic of the Reader 's Letter Box set up by Zou Tao-fen in Life Weekly .

  15. 回顾和研究邹韬奋先生早期的职业教育思想对我国职业教育事业的发展有积极的现实意义和促进作用。

    Reviewing and studying Zou Taofen 's vocational education thought at early stage is of realistic significance for the development of our vocational education cause .

  16. 作为一名语言文字工作者,邹韬奋认为语言是交际和思维的重要工具,是文化传播的重要手段。

    As a man of letters , Zou holds that language is an important tool for communication and thoughts , and a major means of cultural transmission .

  17. 邹韬奋是我国现代著名的编辑、记者、出版家和政论家,在新闻事业上取得过巨大的成就。

    Zou Taofen is a famous editor , reporter , publisher and political commentator in the modern times of our country and has obtained huge achievement on the journalism .

  18. 邹韬奋是我国著名的新闻活动家,既是优秀的编辑记者,又是新闻出版家,在我国新闻事业史上具有着重要地位。

    Zou Tao-fen is a famous news activist in China and he is also an excellent editor , reporter as well as publisher , who plays an important role in the history of Chinese journalism .

  19. 在这段时间里,邹韬奋创办主持各种刊物,以社会大众为服务对象,为推广大众文化和促进民族解放做出了卓越的贡献。

    During this time , Zou Tao-fen established and hosted a variety of journals that provided service for the public , so he made great contribution for the promotion of mass culture and national liberation .

  20. 1933~1935年的海外游历,邹韬奋详细考察了西方的资产阶级文化和苏联的社会主义文化。

    From 1933 to 1935 , Zou traveled abroad , investigated the vast differences between the western bourgeois culture and the Soviet Union 's socialist culture , systematically studied the Marxism works , and was deeply affected by the contemporary progressive figures .