
  1. 他们高中调整了教学方法,取消了文理分科。

    The high school adjusted its teaching approach and cancelled its departmental system .

  2. 博弈论视野下高中文理分科存废之争的冷思考

    Reflection on the Retention or Abolition of Dividing Arts and Sciences in High School from the Perspective of Game Theory

  3. 文理分科是学科深入发展,社会发展和个体社会化的内在要求。

    The division of liberal arts and science is the requirement of curriculum developing toward greater depth , societal development and the socialization of individuals .

  4. 智力方向性:二元智力论&兼析高中文理分科与中国诺贝尔获奖者的难产高中生文理分科刻板印象的实验研究

    Direction of Intelligence : Dual Intelligence Theory & Analysis of Dystocia between Humanity and Science Division in Senior High School and Difficult Birth of Nobel Winners in PRC

  5. 关于文理分科的历史脉络运用文献研究法进行了详细的梳理,对于现实中存在的问题则主要以调查研究中的访谈资料和相关的文献资料为基础对现况进行细致分析。

    The historical context about texture branch of literature research conducted a detailed comb , and for the problems existing in reality is mainly the interview material and research relevant literature material based on detailed analysis of status .

  6. 此外,根据当代中学教育文理分科的现状,有必要从文理科的不同教学特点入手与学科教学紧密地结合起来,分别采用不同方式培育学生的批判性思维能力。

    In addition , according to the status of contemporary arts division in secondary education , it is necessary to start from the arts and sciences teaching characteristics of different teaching approach and teaching closely together in different ways were used to cultivate critical thinking ability of students .

  7. 又传来消息,说什么有可能我们这届文理不分科了。

    Then came the news that there is anything we might have this session regardless of Division of Arts and Sciences .

  8. 文理知识科学精神人文情怀&也谈高中文理分科问题

    Knowledge of arts and sciences Scientific spirit Humanistic feelings & On the division of arts and sciences