
wén jìng
  • gentle and quiet
文静 [wén jìng]
  • [gentle and quiet] 文雅闲静

  • 性格文静

  • 文静的姑娘

文静[wén jìng]
  1. 我是非常文静的。

    I am very gentle and quiet .

  2. 我的性格温柔文静,对朋友热情,对家人体贴,对工作有责任心。

    My personality gentleness is gentle and quiet , enthusiasm to the friend , show consideration to to the family , have the responsibility to the work .

  3. 她文静而又腼腆。

    She was quiet and shy .

  4. 迈克是一个文静、喜欢沉思的人。

    Mike is a quiet , reflective man .

  5. 私下里他文静、谦虚、不事张扬。

    Personally he was quiet , modest and unobtrusive

  6. 当这位男士邀请这位文静的女孩跳舞时,她的脸红了。

    The quiet girl flamed up when the man asked her to dance .

  7. 她举止文静。

    She is quiet in her demeanor .

  8. 她母亲性格文静,脾气又好&是世界上最易相处的人了。

    Her mother was quiet and good-natured & the easiest person in the world to get along with .

  9. 她看起来很文静,但请不要有半点怀疑,她的脾气很坏。

    She seems very quiet , but make no mistake about it , she has a terrible temper !

  10. 所有的动物都信任她,因为她是那么的文静、和善。

    All the animals trusted her , she was so quiet and friendly .

  11. 在她文静腼腆的举止后面却陷藏着激情。

    Behind her quiet shy manner there is a passionate spirit .

  12. “文静的”跟我一般无奈。

    And the quiet one is as frustrated as I am .

  13. 她坐着,两手文静地叠放在膝盖上。

    She sat with her hands folded demurely in her lap .

  14. 她长得很好看但有点文静。

    She is good-looking but a little ( bit ) quiet .

  15. 他器宇轩昂,举止文静。

    He was erect in attitude , and quiet in demeanour .

  16. 比尔很文静,设法鼓励他说话。

    Bill is very quiet , try to bring him out .

  17. 她是一位经验丰富的辩护高手,温和文静却有一股子韧劲。

    She was a skilful and experienced advocate , quiet but pertinacious .

  18. 好一幅美丽的图画&文静、朦胧、幽美。

    It was a beautiful picture-very soft , and dreamy and beautiful .

  19. 文静而有价值&这句话拿来形容表链和杰姆本人都恰到好处。

    Quietness and value & the description applied to both .

  20. 和自己的姐姐不同,美奂则要文静得多。

    Unlike her elder sister , Meihuan is much calmer .

  21. 朱莉娅文静端庄,有一股令人肃然起敬的气质。

    There was something impressive about julia 's quiet dignity .

  22. 她非常文静,但待人和蔼,心地善良。

    She is rather quiet , but is very kind and nice .

  23. 她娇柔、文静、敏感,吃不起苦。

    She was delicate , refined , sensitive , unused to hardship .

  24. 只有和他的朋友在一起时,这位文静的年轻人才显得友善健谈。

    This quiet young man expands only when he is among friends .

  25. 我最好的朋友袁立也是文静的。

    My best friend Yuan Li is quiet , too .

  26. 她平常很文静,但今天真是充满活力。

    For a quiet girl , she surely is full of energy today .

  27. 汤姆非常外向自信,而凯蒂却害羞文静。

    Tom is very extrovert and confident while katy 's shy and quiet .

  28. 你看起来很精神,文静,有教养。

    You look fresh , and cool and civilized .

  29. 她是个腼腆的女孩,非常的文静。

    She is a very shy girl , and she is so quiet .

  30. 琼斯非常文静,是个勤奋好学的男孩。

    Jones was very quiet , a studious boy .