
  1. 张朋知道很多有关他的朋友的。

    Zhang Peng knows a lot about his pen friend .

  2. 张朋:冬天。我能玩雪。

    Zhangpeng : Winter . I can play with snow .

  3. 这是张朋。我们的新同学。

    This is Zhang Peng , our new classmate .

  4. 张朋先生是当代继承传统并有自己独特艺术风格的艺术大家之一。

    Mr. Zhang Peng is a contemporary carrying forward the tradition and have their own unique artistic style of the artists , one of the .

  5. 当然最多的是齐白石的质朴的画风和自然的情趣,张朋先生为人清醇平和,内敛含蓄,这一点也是与齐白石极为相近的,这也是他特别推崇齐白石的原因之一。

    Of course , is the most pristine of Qi style and natural appeal , Mr. Zhang Peng , mellowness and calm man , introverted subtle , which is also very similar with the Qi , which is held in high esteem he was one of the reasons Qi .