
  • Zhang Qi;【人名】Qi Zhang
  1. 张琪教授治疗慢性肾病学术思想特色

    Academic Thought Characteristics of Professor Zhang Qi in Treating Chronic Nephropathy

  2. 不过,蜗居在这里也有一些令张琪感到不习惯的地方。

    However , living in the capsule has taken some getting used to for Zhang .

  3. 张琪教授临证要诀

    Professor Zhang Qi 's Clinical Essentials

  4. 张琪于二○○○年离开中国,隔年在美国获得政治庇护。

    Zhang Qi left China in 2000 . He was granted political asylum by U.S. government the next year .

  5. 应用张琪教授学术思想治疗慢性肾衰的临床研究

    The Clinical Study of the Treatment on the Chronic Renal Failure with the Academic Thought of Professor Zhang Qi

  6. 许多大学生要么一心扑在学习上,要么将自己封闭在校园生活之中,无法去探知世界。张琪说。

    Many college students are either too busy studying or too confined to campus life to explore the world , said Zhang .

  7. 北京阳光志愿者协会负责人张琪(音译)表示去非洲做志愿者的确大有裨益。

    Zhang Qi , head of Sunshine Volunteer Group , based in Beijing , agrees that volunteering in Africa can be rewarding .