
  • 网络Zhang Junmai;carsun chang
  1. 1907年《论今后民党之进行》与《国会与政党》是张君劢清末立宪主张的深化,充分展示了张氏的清末宪政想象。

    In1907 , on the development of Democratic Party for the future had showed Carsun Chang 's constitutionalism image clearly .

  2. 以理想之政党改造中国&浅议张君劢的政党观

    Reform China with an ideal political party & Discussion of Zhang Jun-mai 's standpoint of political party

  3. 张君劢对欧战的第一个看法和第四(第五)个看法简直是南辕北辙,完全相反。

    This article only deals with the first four views , as the last one has already been dealt with in another article .

  4. 即何者能解释或支配人生观以及人的情感和道德问题?张君劢认为解决人生观问题的关键即是“意志自由”。

    Zhang Junmai thought that it is " freedom of will " to be the key of resolving the issues of outlook on life .

  5. 张君劢对宪法有着近乎痴迷的追求,终其一生的理想就是希望制定一部好宪法,建立有权威的议会,实现宪政。

    He was crazy about constitution ; his biggest ideal was formulating a fabulous constitution , establishing an authority parliament , and realizing the constitutionalism .

  6. 研究张君劢的思想所碰到的最大困难是它的嬗变、混淆、甚至前后矛盾。

    One of the big difficulties in the study of the thought of Chang Ch ü n-mai lies in its variety , confusion and even contradictions .

  7. 面对西学的强大冲击,在中国文化的出路何在的历史难题解答中,张君劢力倡在继往的基础上以求开民族文化之新。

    In the face of impact of west learning , Zhang jun-mai advocated new national culture based on traditional culture so as to find the new development of Chinese culture .

  8. 在张君劢看来,消极自由和积极自由不仅不存在紧张和矛盾关系,相反地,它们是内在和谐、不可分离的。

    Mr. Zhang thought that the negative freedom and the positive freedom do not have intense and the contradictory relations , on the contrary , they are intrinsic harmonious and inseparable .

  9. 在现代新儒家人物中,张君劢可堪称为“不因哲学忘政治,不因政治忘哲学”的典范。

    Among the modern new personages of the Confucianists , Zhang Junmai can call model of " not forget politics because of philosophy , not forget philosophy because of politics " .