
zhānɡ zǎi
  • Zhang Zai; philosopher, usu. called Zhāngzǐ or Master Zhang
  1. 张载哲学的本体结构及其向度

    The Noumenon Structure of Zhang Zai 's Philosophy and its Orientation

  2. 张载是中国北宋时期著名哲学家。

    Chang Tsai was a famous philosopher in North Song Dynasty .

  3. 张载与徐敬德气论哲学之比较

    A Comparison between Zhang Zai and So Kyong-Dok in Qi Philosophy

  4. 张载思想的基本内容和主要特征

    The Basic Contents and Features of Zhang Zai 's Thought

  5. 张载的教师道德思想浅析

    On ZHANG Zai 's Idea on Teacher 's Morality

  6. 张载身后,对于其学说的研究和诠释一直绵延至今。

    Zhang Zai behind , for his research and interpretation have been stretching .

  7. 张载与韩国南冥之气论比较

    A Comparison Between Zhang Zai and Nan Min in the Theory of Qi

  8. 张载的辩证思想浅析

    The Analysis of ZHANG Zai 's Dialectical Idea

  9. 张载关学包含着丰富的生态哲学思想。

    Zhang Zai 's school of Guanzhong contains a rich doctrine of ecological philosophy .

  10. 张载的实学思想与宗教观

    Zhang Zai 's Practicalism and Views on Religion

  11. 张载研究的视角与方法

    The angle and method of Zhang Zai study

  12. 张载的人性论是由“天地之性”和“气质之性”两部分组成的。

    Zhang Zai s theory of human nature comprises both born nature and temperament .

  13. 张载讲心,只就大心处言,以心体物。

    Zhang Zai-speaking heart , only on the Department made big heart to heart precursor .

  14. 张载气学的价值维度

    Value Dimension of Qixue from Zhang Zai

  15. 张载与古代天文学

    Zhang Zai and Ancient Astronomy

  16. 张载在儒学天道观的基础上提出自立说以明性的立场,建构了一套自己的人性理论。

    Philosopher Zhang Zai constructs his theory of human nature on the basis of the concept of " Tiandao View " .

  17. 张载正学和易学为其治学提供了理论和方法的指导。

    Studying and apt to study and offer the guidance of the theory and method for pursuing scholarly work in it in a year .

  18. 张载作为北宋五子之一,其思想在中国古代思想史上占有重要的地位。

    As one of the five persons of North Song dynasty , Chang Tsai occupies an important position in the history of chinese philosophy .

  19. 确证此说,有助于了解张载之生平仕历,有助于读解张载、张协之文学创作。

    Certainfying this version helps us to understand the life and official career of Zhang Zai as well as the literary creation of him and Zhang Xie .

  20. 张载讲性,只讲了性能给道德实践提供依据,并没有讲性能创造道德。

    Zhang Zai speak , and talk about the performance to provide the basis of moral practice , there is no talk about the creation of moral performance .

  21. 张载的气论学说在中国哲学史上具有里程碑意义,南冥是韩国历史上一位很有特点的哲学家。

    Zhang Zai 's doctrine of Qi thinking was a milestone in the history of Chinese philosophy while Nan Min was an individual philosophist in the history of South Korea .

  22. 张载对天体宇宙结构以及天体演化理论的研究,主要表现在对宣夜浑天合一说的创造性阐释与发挥上。

    His studies in the structure of the universe and in cosmogony can be seen chiefly in his creative expounding of the theory of the rounded heaven with the great void .

  23. 张载关学与韩国南冥学研究的新进展&关学·南冥学与东亚文明国际学术研讨会综述

    The Latest Progress in Studies on Theory of ZHANG Zai and NAN Min & A Summary of the International Academic Seminar of Guan Xue , Nan Min Xue and East Asia Civilization

  24. 张载提出气本体论,并分别天地之性和气质之性,将天理人欲之辨植入新儒教哲学系统。

    Zhang Zai , a great ideologist in North Song dynasty , put forward an ontology of Qi and inserted the discernment of natural truth and human desire into Neo-Confucian religious philosophy .

  25. 张载在《西铭》中,将《礼运》提出的大同理想具体化、现实化了,描述了一个建立于宗法血缘基础上的大同社会。

    He concretely describes in Xi Ming , with th ideal of Great Harmony suggested by Li Yun , a society of Great Harmony established on the basis of patriarchy and consanguinity .

  26. 张载(1020-1077)是北宋五子之一,其思想对前代儒家思想之承接以及后世道学之展开起了关键作用。

    Zhang Zai ( 1020-1077 ) is one of the North Song Wuzi , its ideology of Confucianism of the previous generation to undertake after the troubled school commence played a key role .

  27. 张载把天地万物作为道德关怀的对象,体现了对自然秩序的维护和对其他生命物种的尊重,以及对非生命存在的关爱。

    Zhang regarded the world as the object of moral concern , which showed his defense of natural order , his respect for other loving things , and his concern for nonliving existences .

  28. 张载在建构新的人性论体系的过程中,除了对以往的人性论思想进行借鉴外,还从与之对立的佛学中汲取了很多营养来充实自身的理论。

    In the course of establishing a new system of land humanity , Zhangzai absorbed both the ideas of humanity in the past and the opposed theory of Buddhism to enrich his own theory .

  29. 张载与二程作为关洛学派的创始人,在各自思想体系形成过程中,有过密切地学术交往,而这些交往对两派学说体系的形成产生了哪些重要影响,有必要进行细致梳理。

    Zhang Zai and Cheng Brothers is the founder of Guan School and Luo School , during founding Neo-Confucianism , the three thinkers had close academic exchanges , which had an important impact in the formation of its doctrine system .

  30. 着重分析了孟子、董仲舒、张载、程颢、程颐、王阳明等人的相关思想,阐明其究竟在面对什么样问题的背景下,提出了何种解决办法。

    Mencius focuses on China , Dong Zhongshu , Zhang Zai , Cheng Hao , Cheng Yi , Wang Yangming , and others related thinking in the face of what its stated what the background of the issue , put forward what solutions .