
  • 网络MAGGIE;maggie cheung;clean;May
  1. 1996年的《甜蜜蜜》:张曼玉(MaggieCheung)和黎明(LeonLai)主演,陈可辛(PeterChan)导演,是一个有关内地人适应香港生活的故事。

    ' Comrades : Almost a Love Story ' ( 1996 ): Starring Maggie Cheung and Leon Lai , the Peter Chan-directed film is about mainland Chinese adapting to life in Hong Kong .

  2. 他将自己的设计风格归结为“奢华的简约”(extravagantsimplicity),张曼玉、杨紫琼、巩俐、梅艳芳、李嘉欣、刘嘉玲和舒淇等众多明星都是他的客户。

    With a design style that he calls " extravagant simplicy ," Cheng boasts customers such as Maggie Cheung , Michelle Yeoh , Gong Li , Anita Mui , Michelle Reis , Carina Lau and Shu Qi .

  3. 康佳2004年度张曼玉影视片创作纪实

    Create The Record In Konka 2004 Maggie Cheung Advertising Film

  4. 张曼玉说自己把这样的称号当作是一种赞词,并不感到委屈。

    Cheung : I take it as a compliment . I 'm not insulted .

  5. 看起来我有点像张曼玉。

    I kinda look like Maggie cheung .

  6. 梁朝伟说,他和张曼玉都在努力领会张艺谋的导演技巧。

    Tony Leung said he and Maggie Cheung were struggling to understand Zhang 's directorial technique .

  7. 他们的下一个计划可能是下月开始,还有张曼玉也会参演。

    Their next project together is likely to start next month and will also involve Maggie Cheung .

  8. 这次张曼玉无疑给北京的公共交通作了一次大广告。

    There is no doubt that Maggie Cheung at this time made a wide advertsiement for Beijing 's public transportation .

  9. 我又再一次再见到很美丽很有气质的张曼玉,她在这种轻松的场合里感觉更完美。

    She seems so much more relaxed and it looked like she was having a lot of fun as well .

  10. 但是谈到保持名人的外在形象,张曼玉并不斤于此道。

    Admired for her beauty , perhaps , but Cheung is no diva when it comes to maintaining a celebrity facade .

  11. 早前,亮相时装周的中国明星都是一些国际巨星,比如张曼玉和章子怡。

    Early on , Chinese stars who appeared at fashion week were internationally famous , such as Maggie Cheung and Zhang Ziyi .

  12. 张曼玉在当地上学,在那里她遭受了强烈的排外和一些残忍之事。

    The family settled in Bromley , and Cheung went to a local school , where she encountered much xenophobia and some cruelty .

  13. 看的第一部他的电影是《英雄》,我那时候被张曼玉迷住了,没有太多注意他。

    First saw him in Hero , though I was so mesmerized by Maggie Cheung that he didn 't make much of an impression .

  14. 上周五,中国现代电影史上最伟大的女演员之一张曼玉荣获英国爱丁堡大学颁发的荣誉博士学位。

    One of modern cinema 's greatest Chinese actresses , Maggie Cheung , received an honorary degree from the University of Edinburgh on Friday .

  15. 每个人都有梦想。张曼玉,这个香港甚至华语界家喻户晓的巨星也不例外。

    Everyone has a dream . So does Maggie Cheung Man-yuk , one of the greatest actresses from Hong Kong and probably the Chinese-speaking world .

  16. 数年来两人合作拍摄过多部电影,但是张曼玉离开了王家卫的公司转签其它影视公司。

    The two have cooperated in many movies over a number of years , but Maggie Cheung left Wong 's company and signed with another film company .

  17. 张曼玉不费吹灰之力地游走于商业片和艺术电影。她的炫目光彩让亚洲和欧洲的观众着迷,而构成她光彩的体态和优雅,又让人回想起旧时的电影明星。

    Moving effortlessly between commercial and art-house , Cheung has dazzled Asian and European audiences with a poise and elegance reminiscent of a movie star from a bygone age .

  18. 在英国和香港长大的张曼玉从1983年开始进入影坛,是第一位在嘎纳电影节获奖的亚洲女演员。

    Raised in England and Hong Kong , Maggie Cheung started her film career in 1983 and is the first Asian actress to win a prize at the Cannes Film Festival .

  19. 流行天后王菲,女主持杨澜,名模吕燕及影星张曼玉、巩俐、张静初、孙俪皆在十强之列。

    Pop queen Faye Wong , hostess Yang Lan , model Lv Yan and actresses Maggie Cheung , Gong Li , Zhang Jingchu and Sun Li also ranked in the Top10 .

  20. 假如打出租,堵车和安全卫生系数,显而不如地铁、公交等公共交通体系,对于张曼玉来说。

    For Maggie Cheung , if she takes a taxi , the problems of traffic jams , safety and hygiene can appearently not be guaranteed comparing with the public transport like subway and buses .

  21. 她张曼玉,她将医疗供应品送往欧洲公司销售说,她的一些客户甚至没有参加了公平,而那些在这里不买了许多。

    Elle Cheung , who sells medical supplies to European companies , says some of her customers are not even attending the fair this time , and those that are here are not buying much .

  22. 新年最受欢迎的影片包括“家有喜事”(1992年的经典影片,主演是周星驰和张曼玉),“呖咕呖咕新年财”和“富贵逼人”

    Holiday favorites include the " All 's Well , Ends Well " series ( the 1992 classic stars Stephen Chow and Maggie Cheung ) , " Fat Choi Spirit " and " It 's a Mad Mad World . "

  23. 他面容略显瘦削,颊骨棱角分明,有着影视明星的亢奋神情,加上他作为张曼玉的男友以及作为一名呆在中国的西方人所拥有的尊贵地位,使他成为香港八卦小报的追逐目标。

    He also has the slightly gaunt look , delineated cheekbones and wired disposition of a movie star that , combined with his relationship and his unusual status as a westerner in China , has made him a Hong Kong tabloid staple .

  24. 故事发生在1962年,周先生(梁朝伟饰)和陈太太(张曼玉饰,整片上演旗袍秀)两家是某栋拥挤公寓楼里的邻居。

    The year is 1962 , and as next-door neighbors living in a crowded apartment complex , Mr Chow ( Tony Leung ) and Mrs Chan ( Maggie Cheung in a cheongsam showcase ) gradually discover their spouses are having a clandestine affair .

  25. 为爱情而选择平凡的还有当年的王菲,她和窦唯在胡同里,端着尿盆的照片就被香港狗仔拍到,张曼玉坐个地铁算不上什么。

    Fay Wang also chose commonness for love in the former years . She was photographed by Hongkong 's paparazzi when she was taking the pot living in an alley with Douwei . It is a fig for Maggie Cheung to take the subway .

  26. 你会在哪个地铁站遇见张曼玉昨天在广州,去机场的路上,大家聊刚看到的新闻,就是张曼玉坦言为爱定居北京,过着普通人的生活,坐公车,挤地铁。

    Yesterday on the way to the airport in Guangzhou , people were talking about the newly seen news , which said that Maggie Cheung was explicit about her settleing down in Beijing for love . She was living an ordinary life , taking buses , piling on the subway .