
  • Stephen Chow;Steven Chow;Chow Sing Chi
  1. 周星驰(StephenChow)导演的《美人鱼》(TheMermaid)等卖座影片使中国2月份票房收入自有记录以来首次超过北美市场,中国有望最早于2017年成为世界上最大票房市场。

    Hits such as Stephen Chow 's The Mermaid saw the country 's box office take in February surpass that of the North American market for the first month on record , putting China on track to become the world 's biggest box office as soon as 2017 .

  2. 周星驰电影有一种拒绝崇高的特点。

    Stephen Chow film has a " refuse sublime " characteristics .

  3. English美眉:开朗、幽默,就像你们国家的周星驰。

    Open , humorous , just like Zhou Xinchi of your country .

  4. 拟该也说周星驰已转移事业生涯。

    Ngai also said Chow has already shifted his career focus .

  5. 餐厅的所有东西都和周星驰的电影有关。

    Everything in the restaurant is related to Chow 's movies .

  6. 于是,咔嚓-周星驰是世界上最美丽奥比岛仙逆傻春了!

    So , KAZAM-she 's the most beautiful Woman in the world !

  7. 标语上写着周星驰电影中的片名和台词。

    Placards read movie titles and lines from Stephen Chow 's movies .

  8. 而周星驰对电影制作各方面都非常感兴趣。

    Chow has also shown an interest in aspects of film production .

  9. 周星驰是个著名的喜剧演员。

    Xing Chi Zhou is a famous comedy actor .

  10. 这部电影由巩利和周星驰主演。

    The film features Gong Li and Zhou Xingchi .

  11. 据报道说该片从周星驰2004年的动作武术片《功夫》得到灵感和启发

    Reportedly inspired by Stephen Chow's2004 martial arts action comedy , Kung Fu Hustle

  12. 包括海报在内的市内装饰以及壁画都反映了周星驰在屏幕上的个性。

    Interior decoration includes posters while wall paintings reflect Chow 's on-screen persona .

  13. 周星驰是什么时候在哪里出生的?

    When and where was Stephen Chow born ?

  14. 菜单和餐具也使人们想到周星驰的电影场景。

    The menu and tableware also reminds people of scenes in Chow 's films .

  15. 他们等待周星驰的到来。

    They waited for Zhou Xingchi 's coming .

  16. 他因为和周星驰一起演了很多很受欢迎的电影而出名。

    He was best known for co-starring alongside Stephen Chow in many popular films .

  17. 伴随着预告片,导演周星驰也向公众展示了自己手绘的电影海报。

    A series of hand-painted posters by the director come out along with the trailer .

  18. 提到90年代的喜剧电影,便不能不提到周星驰。

    We can not ignore Stephen Chou when we mention the comedies of the 1990s .

  19. 周星驰电影主题餐厅的内部

    Inside the Stephen Chow movie-themed restaurant .

  20. 《捉妖记》的制作人员并未回避表达他们对周星驰的祝贺。

    Monster Hunt 's producers did not shy away from conveying their congratulation to Stephen Chow .

  21. 此后,在周星驰的每一部影片中,都能看到他的出色表演。

    We can enjoy his excellent performance in every one of Stephen Chow 's films afterwards .

  22. 他们在电影测官方微博账号上写道:“恭喜《美人鱼》!恭喜周星驰!”

    They wrote on the movie 's official Weibo account " Congratulations Mermaid ! Congratulations Stephen ! "

  23. 有‘喜剧之王’之称的周星驰的最新电影作品《美人鱼》近日发布了预告片。

    Comedy King Stephen Chow 's upcoming film ' The Mermaid ' has released its first trailer .

  24. 周星驰在2004年的武术动作喜剧《功夫》当中出演主角。

    Stephen Chow starred the lead role in the 2004 martial arts action comedy Kung Fu Hustle .

  25. 周星驰的这部喜剧电影肯定能在本周末突破4亿美元大关。

    Chow 's comedy film is all but sure to cross the $ 400 million mark this weekend .

  26. 率领他的中国徒弟周星驰和美国徒孙金凯瑞找到了俺,非要把俺收到门下。

    Led his Chinese disciple Zhou Xinchi and American disciple 's disciple Shun Jinkai to come to recruit me .

  27. 贝克丝:如果你喜欢场景设计,那你真的应该看周星驰的新片!

    Bex : If you like set pieces , then you should definitely see Stephen Chow 's new movie !

  28. 莫文蔚和周星驰间的绯闻已流传了好一段时间。

    Rumours of a love affair between Karen Mok Man-wai and Stephen Chiau Sing-chi have been circulating for some time .

  29. 拟该的这次辞职声明有可能会使公司和周星驰的演艺生涯受到影响。

    Ngai 's announcement has prompted questions about how his resignation will affect the company and Chow 's future acting career .

  30. 我还建议你去问下周星驰,让他来告诉你他是不是中国人。

    And I suggest you ask Stephen Chow , and let him tell you if he is a Chinese or not .