
  1. 周谷城与中外历史比较研究

    Zhou Gucheng and Comparative Study between Chinese and Foreign History

  2. 重评周谷城艺术创作理论

    Reassessment on the Theory of Artistic Creation of Zhou Gucheng

  3. 周谷城的古史分期观有其演变过程。

    There was an evolution process in Zhou Gucheng s ancient history staging concept .

  4. 周谷城是受人敬重的教育家。

    Zhou Gucheng is a respectable educationist .

  5. 周谷城教育活动纪实

    On the Educational Activities of ZHOU Gu-cheng

  6. 周谷城《中国通史》在历史编纂学上的成就

    On Composing The Integrity Chinese History & About achievement of Zhou Gu-cheng ' Chinese General History

  7. 文化综合说是周谷城史学思想的最后总结。

    The study of Culture and Cultural History were the last conclusions in Zhou Gu-cheng historiography thinking .

  8. 周谷城还以大量的史学著作和在长达半个多世纪的史学教育中,为中国史学培养了一代又一代的史学英才。

    He had a lot of historical works and taught history in higher-learning institutions over half century and developed many historical talents from generation to generation .

  9. 然后论述了欧洲中心论在我国的地位和影响,为周谷城提出反欧洲中心论史学思想作铺垫。

    And then discusses the theory in the center of Europe in Chinese status and influence , as Zhou Gucheng proposed anti Eurocentric historiography thought foundation .

  10. 斗争哲学重围中的孤军奋战&周谷城六十年代历史哲学新论重评

    Fighting Alone in a Tight Encirclement of Struggle Philosophy ── A Further Comment on the New Theory of Historic Philosophy by Professor Zhou Gucheng in the 1960s

  11. 周谷城是享誉海内外的著名学者与历史学家。首届海内外中华青年学者材料科学技术研讨及交流会举行

    Zhou Gucheng was a well-know historian and scholar at home and abroad . The 1st Symposium of Materials Science and Technology of Chinese Young Scientists in China and Abroad Was Held

  12. 因此,周谷城的反欧洲中心论史学思想值得进一步挖掘和研究,丰富史学理论,而且为当今中国史学的发展提供借鉴。

    Therefore , further excavation and Research on anti Eurocentric historiography thought worthy of Zhou Gucheng , rich historical theory , but also provides the reference for the development of modern Chinese historiography .