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zhōu zhānɡ
  • be scared
  • trouble;effort
周章 [zhōu zhāng]
  • (1) [be scared]∶仓皇惊惧

  • 周章失措

  • (2) [pain]∶周折

  • 煞费周章

  • (3) [travel round]∶周游

周章[zhōu zhāng]
  1. 你大费周章就为了证明你是对的?

    You went to all that trouble just to prove you were right ?

  2. 如果你要大费周章去运动,你会想知道你的运动有没有效。

    If you 're going to take the trouble to exercise , you want to know you 're doing it properly .

  3. 我不明白,他为什么要大费周章,装腔作势。

    I wondered why he had gone through the elaborate charade

  4. 他预计他们需要“大费周章地解释一番”,这是他的原话。

    He predicts they will have , quote , ' an awful lot of explaining to do ' .

  5. 藉由eventhook,我们可以不必大费周章地通过编写原生代码给Ruby解释器挂上钩子,现在只需编写纯Ruby代码就可以实现事件钩子了。

    By using event_hook , it 's now possible to write pure Ruby event hooks instead of having to write native code to hook into the Ruby interpreter .

  6. 那么三星为什么还要大费周章去构建自己的操作系统呢?

    So why would Samsung bother with its own operating system ?

  7. 不用周章:米基和梅乐莉。

    So without any further ado , Mickey and mallory .

  8. 为何要如此大费周章的给蛋上色呢?

    So why go through all the trouble of producing colored eggs ?

  9. 那为什么要大费周章把它们托运过来呢

    So why go to all the trouble of flying them in ?

  10. 睡在你身边的人值得你去大费周章吗?

    Is that person in the bed next to you worth the trouble ?

  11. 国外的游客到三亚得多费点周章。

    Visitors from outside China do have to work harder to get to Sanya .

  12. 其实也算不上大费周章。

    It really wasn 't that much trouble .

  13. 而你老早就纳闷如此煞费周章意义何在。

    And you have long ceased to understand what all the bother is about .

  14. 为了给我起名字,家人还煞费了一番周章。

    There was the usual amount of discussion as to a name for me .

  15. 但她认为,要说服你的两位导师,可能要费些周章。

    Still , to executives like your two mentors , proving that may take some doing .

  16. 学校方面怎样应付不断长大中学生们的衣服实在要大费周章。

    Providing clothes for a school full of growing children was going to take a giant miracle .

  17. 不要点任何吃起来要大费周章的菜,因为吃起来一点不迷人。

    Don 't order anything that requires a lot of man-handling , it 's just not attractive .

  18. 如此大费周章都是为了控制中亚洲的石油。

    This was all in an effort to gain control of the oil supply in central asia .

  19. 不必大费周章去换个好价钱,现在等价的人民币可以得到更高品质的旅行服务。

    Yu does not offer specific discounts for yuan appreciation but rather will provide better quality tours .

  20. 你曾大费周章地陷害他现在却这么有把握

    You seem very sure of that , considering the lengths you went to to frame him .

  21. 一个人费尽周章爬上玻璃山,只是为了解除一座象征物的魔法吗?

    Does one climb a glass mountain , at considerable personal discomfort , simply to disenchant a symbol ?

  22. 他们甚至趁我待在这儿的时候印意大利文报纸;他们一点也不介意大费周章!

    They 'll even print their newspapers in Italian while I 'm here ; they don 't mind !

  23. 就目前而言,如果试图利用传统法律手段抵制进口,美国钢铁制造商需要大费周章。

    For the moment US steelmakers will struggle if they try to use traditional legal tools against imports .

  24. 虽然破费周章,但是无论如何,二十一世纪不是所谓的“亚洲的世纪”吗?

    We have taken a while , but is this not , after all , to be the Asian century ?

  25. 父亲对此简直不敢置信,他感到非常高兴。在我们的国家里,没几个医生愿意大费周章地跟一个文盲妇女解释任何医疗细节。

    My father was astonished and pleased - in our country few doctors bother explaining anything to an illiterate woman .

  26. 还有,既然说核武器能够有效地维持和平,那为什么还要大费周章地阻止伊朗获得核武器?

    Still , if nukes are so effective in keeping the peace , why struggle to prevent Iran acquiring them ?

  27. 怡君:假如这跟你妈的圣诞大餐类似的话,那可是要大费周章呢。

    Yi-jun : If it 's anything like your mom 's Christmas feast , then that 's a lot of work .

  28. 山东大学的赵晨晨表示,学生不必为寻找作弊手段大费周章。

    Shandong University ` s Zhao Chenchen says that students don ` t need to try very hard to find a way to cheat .

  29. 要保护生物免受带电粒子及γ射线这类高能辐射所害,比遮蔽紫外线还煞费周章。

    Protecting living things from charged particles , as well as from high-energy radiation such as gamma rays , is trickier than shielding against UV .

  30. 还是不要大费周章花钱在广告牌、电视广告、广播或印刷媒体广告上,因为哪一项也不会增加你的受众群。

    Don 't bother spending your money on billboards , TV ads , radio spots or print ads – none of them will grow your audience .