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  • 网络On the country;take the office
  1. 通过运用相关基础理论,对泰和县农村信用合作联社管理中存在的问题和原因进行分析,并就国内外县域农村信用社管理实践及经验进行探讨、分析、总结、归纳。

    Through the use of relevant basic theory , Taihe County rural credit cooperative association management problems and analysis of the causes , and to the county at home and abroad management practices and experience of rural credit cooperatives to explore , analyze , summarize , sum .

  2. 本文就我国国际工程承包企业如何面对加入WTO带来的机遇和挑战,如何大力发展我国国际工程承包事业进行了探讨。

    This paper discusses about how Chinese contractors face the challenge and opportunity of international engineering contractors after Chinas entry into WTO .

  3. 第五章对国外应对TBT的实践经验和对我国的启示进行了研究。第六章就我国跨越TBT的问题进行了分析,并提出了相应对策。

    The other countries practices of spanning TBT are analyzed in the fifth chapter .

  4. 研究发现就一国整体福利而言,地区间吸引FDI的恶性竞争使引进FDI的成本过大,将导致福利损失。

    It is found the fierce competition among regions in attracting FDI make the cost of attracting FDI too high and welfare lose from the point of collective welfare .

  5. 在此基础上,通过上市公司样本的精心选择,利用KMV模型和LOGISTIC模型方法,就我国上市公司信用风险的度量进行实证的研究。

    Then the author chose samples from listed companies , and adopted an empirical approach by using the KMV model and LOGISTIC model .

  6. 本文就我国加入WTO以后的山西煤焦行业现状进行了细致的分析,指出了山西煤焦行业存在的问题,并提出了相应的建议和对策。

    The paper analyzes the existing situation of coal and coke sector in detail after China 's entry into WTO , points out the problems to be dealt with in the sector and gives suggestions to solve them .

  7. 最后一章主要就我国政府采购法律制度和WTO政府采购法律制度的立法目标宗旨、基本原则、主体和客体几个方面进行比较研究。

    The legal system of government procurement mainly of our country of the last chapter and legislative goal aim of legal system of WTO government procurement , basic principle , subject and object , several respects , carry on comparative research .

  8. 在知识经济全球化的背景下,就我国如何趋利避害,应对TRIPS协议提出了几点措施。

    This paper puts forward some countermeasures in view of TRIPS Agreements in order to avoid its disadvantages and make full use of its terms concerned under the circumstance of globalization of knowledge and economy .

  9. 其次,分析问题,通过文字、数据、图表就我国城市生活垃圾现状展开分析,对PPP模式进行简介;

    Secondly , Analysing problem : Through the writing , the data , the graph launch the analysis on our country municipal solid waste present situation , carries on the synopsis to the PPP ;

  10. 通过对非官方赞助商的体育营销进行SWOT分析,指出其存在的优势、劣势、机会和威胁,并就我国企业(非官方赞助商)如何搞好体育赛事营销给出一些对策和建议。

    We use the SWOT analysis , point out its advantages , weaknesses , opportunities and threats . Giving some countermeasures and suggestions on how to carry on the sports marketing to the Enterprises in China ( unofficial sponsors ) .

  11. 第五章就我国实行MBS中可能遇到的法律、会计、税收等问题进行了深入细致的分析,同时,对此提出了一些解决的方案、建议。

    Chapter V makes deeply and detailed analysis of law , accounting and taxation problems during the application of MBS in China , and comes up with some plans and suggestions to solve them simultaneously .

  12. 最后,本文就我国运用ITQsITQs的必要性及实施步骤作了探讨。

    In the end , this paper discusses the necessity and implementation steps of adopting the ITQs in the Chinese fishery management .

  13. 本文选取1985-2004年间的对外直接投资及其相关数据作为研究样本,在IDP理论的框架内,通过数据和模型变量优化,就我国对外直接投资与经济发展阶段之间的关系进行了实证检验。

    Choosing outward direct investment and other related data during 1985 and 2004 as a study sample and optimizing correlative data and model variables within the IDP hypothesis , this paper makes an empirical verification on the relationship between Chinese overseas direct investment and economic development .

  14. 第三部分主要就我国商务旅游企业存在的一些问题进行了分析;

    The third part analyses the problems of business tourism enterprises ;

  15. 最后就我国跨国公司如何加强扩大境外直接投资规模提出几点分析建议。

    And then gives two suggestions of how to enlarge the scale .

  16. 就我国标准化的历史与现状加以综述。

    The paper summarized the history and present of standardization in China .

  17. 就在国一英文学的一样。

    Just like ya learned in eighth grade english .

  18. 对策和模式。文章在第三部分就我国股票市场存在的流动性问题提出了自己的解决办法。

    Third , strategy and mode to market fluidity .

  19. 文章就我国高校开展心理健康教育作了探讨。

    The article discusses how to carry out education of mental health in college .

  20. 这里就我国建立反倾销司法审查制度的一些法律问题进行探讨。

    This article is about some law issues of establishing anti-dumping judicial inspection system .

  21. 就我国建筑安全技术的现状,论述了发展科学技术是改善建筑安全技术最根本的途程。

    It also discusses the present situation of our country 's construction safety techniques .

  22. 因此,本文在对政府绩效评价的主体、对象、客体进行分析以后,专门讨论了政府绩效评价的信息基础问题,进而就我国政府会计改革与政府信息公开制度进行了论述。

    Therefore , this paper specifically discusses the information disclosure of government performance evaluation .

  23. 第六部分针对前面的分析结果,就我国引进外国直接投资提出几点政策建议。

    The sixth chapter puts forward policy proposes to the FDI attraction of our country .

  24. 本文就我国科技人才资源开发与管理的问题进行理论探讨。

    The thesis discussed the development and management of resources of scientific and technological intellectuals .

  25. 就我国情况而言,我国是人口大国且土地分布不均衡。

    For our case , China is a populous country and the uneven distribution of land .

  26. 第三,就我国东中西三个区域的税收负担和经济发展进行实证分析。

    Thirdly , by demonstrating tax burden and economic development of eastern , central and western region .

  27. 本文就我国社会责任会计体系的理论框架做出一些探讨。

    This paper makes some discussion on the theoretical frame of social liability accounting in our country .

  28. 就我国教育目前的情况而言,各教育阶段之间的衔接存在不少问题。

    In our education at present , there are many problems between the next stages of education .

  29. 所以,就我国城市土地产权及城市土地产权制度进行研究具有重要意义。

    Therefore , it is very important to study Chinese urban land property right and its institution .

  30. 文章就我国森林经理发展概况及存在问题提出了对策。

    The paper also puts forward countermeasures for the development and problems of forest management in China .