
  1. 如果你发现有我给你的那张单子上的名字,就记下来。

    If you find a name that 's on the list I 've given you , note it down

  2. “我去卧室拿钱包。”——“别费事了,戴夫人,我们就记在你的账单上好了。”

    ' I 'll get my purse out of the bedroom . ' — ' No sweat , Mrs. Day . We can put it on your tab . '

  3. 比分一出来就记在黑板上。

    The results were chalked up on the blackboard as soon as they came in .

  4. 在第三项指控中,惠普表示,Autonomy将部分长期合约当作即期销售额,在合约尚未完成前就记为收入。

    In a third accusation , HP said Autonomy had treated some of its long-term contracts as immediate sales , booking revenue before it should have .

  5. 我就记不住那段开场的独白。

    I just * I can 't get that opening monologue .

  6. 好,那就记在我的金卡上。

    Yeah , I 'll just put it on my platinum card .

  7. 但她还是同意了,他就记下了她的名字和地址。

    She acquiesced , however , and he took her name and address .

  8. 看到墙上那些字,就记下来回房去。

    Saw that on the wall , took it back to my room .

  9. 既然你提及,我也就记起来了。

    Now that you mention it , I remember .

  10. 我怎么就记不得我的梦呢?

    Why Can 't I Remember My Dreams ?

  11. 而且一记就记上个50多年。

    And hold on to it for50 years .

  12. 你应不断地进行记忆训练,否则就记不住那些东西。

    You should keep your memory in training , otherwise you cannot remember them all .

  13. 拉丁词我从来就记不住。

    Latin words never stick by me .

  14. 我从来就记不住电影的片名。

    I can never remember film titles .

  15. 那就记在我的账户。

    So just credit my account .

  16. 亨特博士发现,如果老鼠必须等候10秒钟以上才放出,那它就记不住哪扇门是正确的。

    Hunter found that if the rat had to wait more than ten seconds , it could not remember the correct door .

  17. 最后他落到地了,可是其余的事情他现在就记不起来了。他完全不知道怎样来到了这块地方的。

    Then at last he had fallen to the earth , and could remember no more , nor how he came to be where she had found him .

  18. 如果你能留出20分钟的时间空档,那么就记下你当天的成就,不管有多微小。

    And , if you weren 't able to carve out that 20-minute time-oasis , then make note of any achievement you had during the day , however small .

  19. 如果你明天仍然是这样做,那就记作一个充电循环,而不是两次,所以说,用完一个充电循环可能要花几天的时间。

    If you did the same thing the next day , it would count as one charge cycle , not two , so you may take several days to complete a cycle .

  20. 如果你发现记笔记会干扰你听,那么询问一个朋友你是否能借他/她的笔记,或者一下课就记下你能记住的所有东西。

    If you find that taking notes distracts you from listening , ask a friend if you can borrow their notes OR directly after the lecture , write down everything you remember .

  21. 毕业之夜的纵酒狂欢的聚会,导致辆汽车被毁,家长因不悦提出的诉讼两起,还有许多为大多数参加聚会的人第二天就记不得的新名堂。

    The bacchanalian partying on graduation night resulted in three wrecked cars , two lawsuits by unamused parents , and more new experiences than most of the participants could remember the next day .

  22. 我妻子是个作家,她从小就记笔记&你知道,家长们总说,‘关灯,睡觉时间到了’,然后她会在被子下拿出一个小手电,照着读书。

    My wife is a writer , and she grew up keeping journals & you know , parents said , 'Lights out , time for bed , 'and she had a little flashlight under the covers , reading books .

  23. 镜片后面的黑眼睛快速转动着,扫一眼就全都记下了。

    The eyes behind the lenses were dark and quick-moving , taking in everything at a glance .

  24. 干这行就得记人长相。

    It 's my job to remember faces .

  25. 下次遇到这种情况时就要记着这次的经验了。

    That information needs to be tucked in your mind to remember next time out .

  26. 在不久的将来,他们就变得记不起来书写有些汉字的笔划顺序。

    Over time , they become unable to recall the stroke order to write some characters .

  27. 如果时间不充裕,就私下记些东西,或是用笔记软件。

    If youre not ready for prime-time , keep things private with a bookmarking or note-keeping application .

  28. 也就是在这个时候,我们心中就要记下这些东西,将来再买下来。

    This is the time to make a mental note of what those items are for future purchase .

  29. 首席财务官会非常不情愿仅基于少数几笔交易就增记资产价值。

    Chief financial officers will be very reluctant to mark up the assets based on simply a few trades .

  30. 常常,在课堂结束之前,我就已经记下所有人的名字。

    Most of the time , by the end of the class , I 've memorized everyone 's name .