
  1. 我应该开始温习听课笔记了。

    I must start getting up my lecture notes .

  2. 做听课笔记是一项重要的技能。

    Taking Lecture Notes is an important skill .

  3. 语文教师对教学对象进行反思的过程可以从时间维度及空间维度来考察,其反思方式主要有:自我倾诉、同行对话、教学日记、听课笔记。

    The process of Chinese language teaching reflection can be investigated from time dimension and space dimension . The main teaching reflection ways includes self talk , peer dialogue , teaching diary , lecture notes .

  4. 你听课记笔记吗?

    Do you take notes of the lectures ?

  5. 这里有一种最佳的听课记笔记学习系统,据我所知。

    Here is the best system for note-taking and studying I 've discovered so far .

  6. 我们这些讲师惊奇地发现,参加课外活动的学生总是很多,认真听课做笔记的却不多。

    We lecturers are always amazed at the number of students who engage in activities other than listening and note-taking in their lecture classes .

  7. 听课和记笔记是同时进行的。

    We took notes as we listened to the lecture .

  8. 你听课时做笔记吗?

    Did you take notes at the lecture ?

  9. 在过去,应试教育上课就是听课、做笔记。

    In the past , exam-oriented education forced us to listen to our teachers while taking notes in class .

  10. 调查结果表明:优秀与一般女中学生的学习方法存在显著差异,优秀女中学生的学习方法体现出较强的计划性、善于管理学习时间、有选择地听课和记笔记等特点;

    The investigation result manifests that the learning method is obviously different between the excellent female middle school students and their ordinary counterpart .

  11. 培养听课与记笔记的技能仔细听课并决定哪些内容重要是必须先掌握的两个方面,然后再再考虑怎么去记笔记。

    Build Listening & Notetaking Skills Carefully listening to a lecture and deciding what is important are two aspects that must be mastered before you worry about how to take notes .

  12. 学生不但在听课时要记笔记,上课前准备功课时也应该记笔记。

    Notes should be taken during lectures , and when the student is reading the texts prior to each session of the course .