
tīnɡ lì jì
  • audiometer;Acoumeter;sonometer
  1. PA2自由场听力计筛查婴幼儿听力障碍的研究

    Study on Screening Infant Hearing Loss by the Pediatric Audiometer 2

  2. 听力计检测作为新生儿听力筛查方法的评价

    Assessment of the Pediatric Audiometer Approach as a Neonatal Hearing Screening Test

  3. 随着听力计技术的不断发展,MAICO也不断创新满足各种特殊的需要。

    MAICO has grown over the years to fulfill the specialized needs of the growing field of audiology .

  4. 从可以让护士和普通医生使用的筛查型听力计到用于进一步检查的复杂诊断设备,MAICO为听力康复专业人员提供了多种工具。

    From screening audiometers for school nurses and General Practitioners to complex diagnostic instruments for in-depth examination , MAICO provides novel and efficient tools for hearing professionals .

  5. 在热区部队现场采用TypeTA152型电听力计测定被检者0.25、0.5、1、2、4、6、8kHz的气导听阈。

    Type TA 152 electro-acoumeter was used to determine the auditory threshold of air conduction at 0.25 , 0.5 , 1,2,4,6 and 8 kHz levels .

  6. 方法应用GSI-16纯音听力计附声场测听系统,观察168耳不同类型助听器使用者助听前的听力损失和助听后的听力补偿;

    Methods The GSI-16 clinical two channel audiometer with built in sound field system was used to observe 143 cases ( 168 ears ) with various hearing aids . Their hearing loss and hearing compensation were tested before and after the aids being used .

  7. 非化脓性中耳炎80例纯音听力计检查分析

    Pure tone audiometry analysis in patients with non-purulent otitis media

  8. 听力计:纯音听力计、阻抗听力计;

    Audiometer : Pure Tone Audiometer , Impedance Audiometer ;

  9. Midimate622临床诊断型听力计打印故障检修分析

    Maintenance and analysis of clinic diagnosis audiometer printing trouble

  10. 听力计是听力检查中必不可少的设备。

    Audiometer is an important instrument in otolaryngology clinic .

  11. GB/T7341.2-1998听力计:第2部分语言测听设备

    Audiometers Part 2 : Equipment for speech audiometry

  12. GB/T7341.3-1998听力计:第3部分用于测听与神经耳科的短持续听觉测试信号

    Audiometers Part 3 : Auditory test signals of short duration for audiometric and neuro-otological purposes

  13. GB/T7341.1-1998听力计:第1部分纯音听力计

    Audiometers Part 1 : Pure-tone audiometers

  14. 阻抗听力计,阻坑测听仪基于极大后验估计理论的电阻抗断层成像重建算法研究

    Study of Image Reconstruction in Electrical Impedance Tomography Using the Algorithm Based on Maximum a Posteriori

  15. 阻抗听力计,阻坑测听仪测试系统由阻抗分析仪、计算机、压电陶瓷片、铝梁组成。

    The simple impedance measurement system is consisted of piezoelectric element , an impedance analyzer , Al beam and computer .

  16. 听度计,听力计对正常可听单音频的听觉能力测定仪耳鸣与纯音听力的好转无平行关系,随病程推移而减轻。

    An instrument for measuring hearing activity for pure tones of normally audible frequencies . Relief of tinnitus was not parallel to the recovery of tone thresholds , but it bettered with the lapse of time .

  17. 临床常用的听力评价方法为纯音听力计测试,其测试的频率为0.125~8kHz,8kHz以上的各高频频率为非常规纯音测听测试范围。

    The pure-tone audiometry was the most common used method for auditory assessment , which employed the frequencies from 0.125 kHz to 8 kHz .

  18. 本文介绍了主观听力测试中气导听阈、骨导听阈、掩盖、双耳交替响度平衡试验、短增量敏感度指数试验的测试原理,运作过程以及完成上述功能测试的仪器-电子听力计。

    The paper presents the principle of hearing testing technology , such as air conduction test , bone conduction test , masking technology , double ear sonorous blance , short increment sensitivity index , and the audiometer as hearing testing tool .