
  • 网络Hearing impairment;hearing handicap
  1. 埃默里语音中心言语病理学主任埃迪•哈浦纳(EdieHapner)说,听觉障碍可能会导致说话声音太大。

    A hearing impairment can cause people to talk too loudly , says Edie Hapner , director of speech-language pathology at the Emory Voice Center at Emory University .

  2. 听觉障碍学生的社会观点采择能力发展研究

    A Research on the Development of Social Respective Taking of Students with Hearing Impairment

  3. 探讨听觉障碍被试检测任务IOR的时程和量是否受听觉剥夺的影响。

    We investigated whether IOR time course and magnitude of deaf participants in detection tasks was changed after auditory deprivation .

  4. 结论听神经病是一种近期提出的病因不明的听觉障碍性疾病。

    Conclusion Auditory neuropathy was an idiopathic disease with hearing impairment .

  5. 听觉障碍儿童自我意识与心理健康的研究

    Research on the Self-Concept and Mental Health of Hearing Impaired Children

  6. 手语在听觉障碍儿童认知发展中的作用

    The Impact of Sign Language on Deaf Children 's Cognitive Development

  7. 听力正常和听觉障碍者基于客体返回抑制的研究

    The Research on Object-based Inhibition of Return in Hearing and Deaf Subjects

  8. 听觉障碍高中生休闲生活无计划性,且缺乏指导。

    Their leisure time is unplanned and lack of guidance .

  9. 听觉障碍中学生汉语阅读理解模式研究

    Research on the Chinese Reading Comprehension of Secondary Students with Hearing Impairment

  10. 关于听觉障碍儿童人格的一项研究

    A research on the personality of children with hearing disorders

  11. 施教学生背景:听觉障碍学生的性别。

    Teach students Background : The hearing-impaired students of gender . 3 .

  12. 听觉障碍学生与正常学生视觉识别敏度的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Visual Acuity of Students with and without Hearing Impairment

  13. 在休闲生活的计划方面,听觉障碍高中生缺乏统筹规划性。

    So they lack overall planning programs in the leisure life . 3 .

  14. 听觉障碍儿童的心理健康及其影响因素研究

    Research on the Mental Health and Its Influencing Factors of Hearing Impaired Children

  15. 本篇主要探究视听觉障碍儿童的基本认知能力。

    This paper mainly probed cognitive abilities of visual or auditory impaired children .

  16. 听觉障碍儿童心理健康教育解析

    A mental status analysis in hearing impaired children

  17. 一个有严重听觉障碍的人。

    A person with a severe auditory handicap .

  18. 视听觉障碍儿童的认知能力听觉障碍人群的注意加工机制

    Cognitive Abilities of Visual or Auditory Impaired Children Attention Processing Mechanism of Deaf Individuals

  19. 听觉障碍人群的注意加工机制

    Attention Processing Mechanism of Deaf Individuals

  20. 不同阅读水平的听觉障碍中学生使用问题辅助阅读时效果都比较好;

    For different levels hearing impaired secondary students , question supporting strategy was a good choose ;

  21. 听觉障碍儿童自我意识发展特点研究

    A Research into the Developmental Characteristics of Self-concept of Hearing Impaired Children and the Corresponding Educational Strategies

  22. 本研究对听觉障碍中小学生教育心理研究有重要的启发和应用价值。

    This study was of great value and enlightenment to the educational psychology of hearing impaired students .

  23. 阅读水平低的听觉障碍小学生使用标记辅助阅读效果最好。

    For the mediocre level and low level primary students , signal supporting strategy was the best choose .

  24. 多媒体视听技术在听觉障碍儿童认识主题中的应用

    The application of " Cognition Topic " by means of multimedia visual-aural technology for the hearing handicapped children

  25. 九年级听觉障碍学生,问题阅读辅助策略对阅读效果的提升有明显积极作用。

    For Grade 9 hearing impaired students , question supporting strategy can improve the effects of the reading .

  26. 阅读训练是听觉障碍学生教育的重点内容,历来受到关注。

    Reading was concerned for decades for its important role in the field of educating the hearing handicapped students .

  27. 教授有听觉障碍的学生学习及生活能力,促进学生的社交、情绪、智力以及体质发展。

    Teaches academic and living skills to hearing impaired students , and promotes students'social , emotional , intellectual and physical development .

  28. 对于某些患有听觉障碍的人来说,只要耳蜗或者耳蜗四周的神经完好无损就能使用这种AfterShokz耳机。

    AfterShokz even works for some hearing-impaired listeners , as long as the cochlea or the nerves around it are intact .

  29. 对听觉障碍人群的认知机制及脑功能成像研究提供了独特的视角来探讨人脑在发展过程中的可塑性。

    The functional brain imaging research on the deaf individuals provide special viewpoints to explore the plasticity of the developing human brain .

  30. 目的:使用多媒体视听技术进行认识主题的教学,对听觉障碍儿童认识效果的影响。

    Objective To study the teaching effects on " cognition Topic " between seeing & hearing multimedia and traditional style of education .