
  • 网络thoracic deformity;thoracocyllosis;chest wall deformity
  1. 这是两种常见的胸廓畸形。

    This is two common thoracic deformity .

  2. 先天性脊柱侧弯合并重度胸廓畸形的手术治疗

    Operative treatment of congenital scoliosis combined with severe chest deformity

  3. 青年人自发性气胸与胸廓畸形的相关性研究

    The Higher Incidence of Spontaneous Pneumothorax in the Youth Who Has Chest Deformity

  4. 胸廓畸形合并妊娠&附45例分析

    Kyphosis complicating pregnancy : analysis of 45 cases

  5. 目的对胸廓畸形程度与肺通气功能、右心改变作相关性分析。

    Objective To analyze the correlation between disability situation and pulmonary ventilation function and right ventricle alteration .

  6. 并发脊椎改变5例,骨盆畸形3例,胸廓畸形4例。

    Complicated by abnormal spines in 5 cases , pelvis deformity in 3 cases , chest deformity in 4 cases .

  7. 目的研究脊柱侧凸患者的肺功能及影响肺功能的脊柱胸廓畸形指标。

    Objective To investigate pulmonary function impairment and the spinal factors that may determine pulmonary function in patients with scoliosis .

  8. 结果:17例采取早期胸膜剥脱术,1例复发,余16例治愈,随访6~24个月均无复发、无胸廓畸形等并发症。

    Results : Within the 17 cases who underwent operation , only 1 case relapsed after operation , the other 16 cases all recovered , and had no relapsed case following up 6 to 24 months .

  9. 本文采用组织谐波成像技术,对52例因肥胖、肋间隙狭窄、胸廓畸形、肺气过多及老龄等原因致常规二维图像显示欠清晰的心脏病患者进行了检查。

    52 difficult to image patients with various heart diseases by conventional two dimensional echocardiography were examined by Native Tissue Harmonic Imaging ( NTHI ), including individuals who are overweight and aged and have overlying lung tissue , narrow rib spaces and chest wall malformation .

  10. 胸廓骨骼畸形也可能影响二尖瓣脱垂的X线诊断。

    TSA can also influence prolapse of the mitral valve .

  11. 脊柱侧弯胸廓驼峰畸形的治疗

    The Rib Hump Treatment of Scoliosis

  12. 结果54例患者均治愈出院,且住院时间短,并发症少,胸廓无畸形;

    Results All the patients were cured in short time in hospital and there were no complications .

  13. 术后1个半月复查,无明显胸廓塌陷畸形,X线胸片示内固定牢固,肋骨骨折端骨性愈合。

    At follow-up of one and half a month , chest deformity was invisible , and X-ray indicated internal fixation stable and fracture points of rib healed .

  14. 方法选出脊柱、胸廓无畸形,两肺清晰,心膈正常有肺尖伴影后前位X线胸片300例,取第1或2肋骨内缘最内凹点至伴影肺内的垂直距离。

    Methods To pick out 300 chest films of apex pulmonis companion shadow whose columna vertebralis lung , heart , and diaphragm is normal , the upright distance from the most inferior spot of the first rib or second rib to the lung were measured .

  15. 胸廓严重缺损畸形的整复治疗

    Reconstruction of severe defect and deformity of anterior thorax : a report of 3 cases

  16. 22例胸廓、脊柱畸形青年肺通气功能、右心改变相关性分析

    Correlated analysis between pulmonary ventilation function and right ventricle alteration on 22 young patients with deformity of thorax or spinal column