
xiōnɡ ɡǔ bǐnɡ
  • sternal manubrium
  1. 方法:40具胸骨柄标本测量,测量指标有:胸骨柄长,胸骨柄最大宽,胸骨柄最小宽,胸骨柄厚,胸骨柄前皮质厚,胸骨柄后皮质厚,计算胸骨柄体积。

    Methods : Forty dry sternal manubrium specimens were measured , including : manubrium sterni length , maximum and minimum width , thickness , front cortex thickness and back cortex thickness .

  2. 从胸锁乳突肌内侧下段穿刺点至胸骨柄后方深距(45.0±9.2)mm,向前内进针角度为17.7°±7.9°。

    The distance of percutaneous paracentesis between paracentesis point locating in inferior medial part of sternocleidomastoid and the dorsal point of manubrium sterni was ( 45.0 ± 9.2 ) mm .

  3. 经皮从胸骨柄上缘颈静脉切迹穿刺点穿刺至胸骨角后方深距(62.8±14.1)mm。

    The distance of percutaneous paracentesis between paracentesis point of Jugular notch locating in superior edge of manubrium sterni and the dorsal point of sternal angle was ( 62.8 ± 14.1 ) mm , paracentesis angle to anterior medial direction was 17.71 °± 7.9 ° .

  4. 结果:所有病例均接受胸骨柄切除+自体肋骨植入+胸廓重建术,胸骨柄切除后常规均放置引流管。

    They all received chest wall reconstruction with autogenous rib Grafts after manubrium sterni tumor resection . Drainage tube was placed at operative site in all patients .

  5. 当我们提起并打开胸腔时,我们实际上要提起胸骨柄(胸骨上面的骨头)向上,同时剑胸骨向肝脏的方向下沉。

    Whenever we lift or open the chest , we actually want to lift the manubrium ( bone above the sternum ) upward while we lower the xiphoid process ( bone below the sternum ) downward toward the navel .

  6. 结果:50·0%的标本胸骨柄后的两侧胸膜返折部相交在胸骨角平面,6·5%的标本两侧胸膜返折部相交在第1肋平面;

    Results The bilateral the pleura returning lines behind the manubrium sterni interacted at the sternal angle plane accounted for 50.0 % of the total specimens and at the first ribs plane accounted for 6.5 % of the specimens ;

  7. 结论:胸骨柄切除后自体肋骨植入应用于胸廓重建是安全有效的手术方式,能够良好的恢复胸壁完整性,保持胸壁稳定。

    There were nothing abnormal detected after operation . Conclusions : Manubrium sterni tumor resection followed by chest wall reconstruction with autogenous ribs is considered to be a safe and effective treatment for reserving integrity and stability of chest wall .

  8. 方法:在60具尸体标本的胸骨上确定24个穿刺点(胸骨柄、胸骨角各3个穿刺点,胸骨体为18个穿刺点),用骨穿针、测力计及游标卡尺等进行测量。

    Methods : The puncture was carried out on sixty cadaver specimens with puncture needle and measured with dynamometer and vernier caliper .