
xiōng qiáng
  • breast wall;parapet;breastwork;frontwall
胸墙 [xiōng qiáng]
  • [parapet;breastwork] 用泥土或石头筑成的用以保护士兵的防护墙;永久性的防御工事或城堡主墙上面的防御土墙

胸墙[xiōng qiáng]
  1. 胸墙现浇质量保证措施浅析

    A Preliminary Analysis of Quality Assurance Measures for Cast-in-situ Breast Wall

  2. 码头胸墙裂缝原因分析及其对策

    Cause Analysis of Cracks in Wharf Breast Wall and Countermeasures

  3. 斜坡堤胸墙波压力的试验与分析

    Test and Analysis of Wave Pressure on Parapet on Sloping Breakwater

  4. 丹江口深孔事故检修闸门胸墙修补

    Repair of the Breastwall upon Deep-outlet Emergency Gate of Danjiangkou Project

  5. 码头现浇胸墙混凝土结构有害裂缝的防治

    Prevention and Treatment for Harmful Cracks in Dock Parapet From Concrete-pouring

  6. 镍质肥皂钵在胸墙上发着亮光,被遗忘了。

    The nickel shaving-bowl shone , forgotten , on the parapet .

  7. 斜坡式防浪堤胸墙断面尺寸的优化设计

    Optimun Design of Wave : Wall Cross & section on Rubble Mound

  8. 波高取值对斜坡堤胸墙结构设计影响的探讨

    Influence of Wave Height Value on Mound Breakwater Crown Wall Structural Design

  9. 坡顶边缘出水池胸墙的拆除爆破

    Demolition Blasting of Jamb Wall of Water Pool at Edge of Slope

  10. 斜坡堤防浪胸墙断面的优化设计和模型试验方法

    Optimum design of wave wall cross-section on rubble mound based on model tests

  11. 两种不同结构型式护岸胸墙上波压力的比较

    A comparison of wave forces on shore protection breast walls for different types

  12. 斜坡式防波堤矩形胸墙断面尺度的图表确定法

    Chart Method for Determining Rectangular Breast Wall Size of Breakwater with Sloping Faces

  13. 用锯齿状的和有可以射击的枪眼的城垛、胸墙保护。

    Protected with battlements or parapets with indentations or embrasures for shooting through .

  14. 渔港斜坡式防波堤规范胸墙波压强分布和计算方法

    The calculating method and distribution of wave pressure on breast wall of mound breakwater

  15. 环氧胶在修复水电站胸墙裂缝的应用

    Epoxy Adhesive Used to Repair the Crack on the Breastwall of the Hydroelectric station

  16. 他沿着胸墙疾步走开。

    He walked off quickly round the parapet .

  17. 预制胸墙构件安装

    Installation of Precast Members for Breast Wall

  18. 一种很高的枪架,人们可以凭借它来在胸墙上方射击。

    A gun carriage elevated so that the gun can be fired over the parapet .

  19. 总干闸胸墙裂缝危害性及处理措施分析

    Analysis for hazard of crack lying in parapet of a water gate and its treatments

  20. 冲上滩头的全营战士已经越过了胸墙(玛格丽特阿特伍德)

    A whole battalion , onto the beachhead , over the top ( Margaret Atwood )

  21. 土工膜在东风大坝中孔胸墙防渗修补中的应用

    Application of Geomembrane in Dongfeng Dam for Anti-seepage Repair on The Parapet Wall of Central Orifice

  22. 其中的一枚落在我们的庇护所的胸墙上。

    One of the shells landed on the breastwork of our shelter and did not explode .

  23. 胸墙裂缝问题的探讨

    An Approach to Breast Wall Cracks

  24. 在围困中建起来的胸墙那座城市抵挡住了围困。

    The city withstood the siege .

  25. 有几个士兵聚集在胸墙边上观看前面发生了什么事。

    Several soldiers gathered together at the earthwork , looking at what was being done in front .

  26. 斜坡堤顶胸墙波浪力计算方法的验证和比较

    Verification and Comparison of Calculation Methods for Wave Forces Acting on Parapet Walls on Rubble Mound Breakwaters

  27. 为减轻波浪越浪,通常会在斜坡堤上设置胸墙。

    In order to reduce overtopping waves , crown wall are usually established on rubble mound breakwater .

  28. 弧门钢胸墙超深孔加工工艺

    Manufacture process of the over - deep - hole of steel parapet wall for arch - gate

  29. 秦皇岛港戊码头胸墙混凝土的防裂措施及效果

    Craft-control Measures and Its effects of Breast Wall Concrete of the F Wharf Project of Qinhuangdao Port

  30. 一个面色黧黑的少年打开书本,麻利地将它支在书包这座胸墙底下。

    A swarthy boy opened a book and propped it nimbly under the breastwork of his satchel .