- 名orbivirus

Isolation and identification of two strains of orbivirus in Hainan Province
First Isolation of New Orbivirus ( BANNA ) from Ticks and Infected Cattle Sera in Xinjiang
The Establishment And Application of PCR to Diagnosis Porcine Circovirus Type 2
20 control serum were negative .
Negative-contrast examination showed nucleocapsids 56.06 ± 2.42 nm in diameter , icosahedral symmetry and with clearly discernible capsomere structures , and cores 38.36 ± 2.42 nm in diameter .
Since 1990 , the three Tick born diseases ( Lyme disease , Spotted Fever Rickettsia and Orbivirus disease ) have been found in Fujian . There were may become a public health problem in the future .
Geminiviruses are single-stranded circular DNA viruses which are wide distribution of worldwide .
Geminiviruses are a group of single - stranded circular DNA viruses with twinned particles occurring worldwide .
Geminiviruses are plant viruses characterized by their unique twinned particles , which encapsidate a circular single-stranded DNA genome . They have caused destructive diseases in many economically important crops throughout the world .
Hepatitis B virus ( HBV ) genome is partial double strands and looped DNA virus , which have 3200 bps , consisting of two parts of structure and regulator gene ranks .
White spot syndrome virus ( WSSV ) is an non-occluded , rod-shaped , enveloped and double-stranded DNA virus . It is also the main pathogen of shrimp .
Porcine Circovirus ( PCV ) is a small , nonenveloped , icosahedral mammalian virus containing a circular single-stranded DNA genome , which now has been assigned to the Circoviridae family .
Commelina Yellow Mottle Virus ( CoYMV ) is a double stranded , circular DNA virus and its promoter could direct GUS gene specifically expressing in phloem tissue of transgenic tobacco plants .
Geminiviruses are single-stranded DNA plant viruses with a geminate particle morphology . They have caused serious damages worldwide in recent years .
Baculovirus is a kind of double-stranded circle large DNA virus , which has been widely developed as biopesticides and a powerful vector of foreign protein expressions .
Human papilloma virus ( HPV ) is a virus with circular two - chain DNA that usually causes proliferating changes by infecting skin and mucus epithelium .
White spot syndrome virus ( WSSV ), a rod-shaped double-stranded circular DNA virus , is a kind of major dangerous infectious pathogen in shrimp culture industry .