
xiōng bì
  • Chest wall;walls of the chest
胸壁[xiōng bì]
  1. 婴幼儿胸壁间叶性错构瘤1例

    Infantile mesenchymal hamartoma generated in the walls of the chest : a case report

  2. 胸部X线摄影术与CT诊断胸壁结核的对照研究

    Radiological diagnosis of chest wall tuberculosis : CT versus chest radiograph

  3. 胸壁神经鞘瘤的CT、超声表现和病理对照研究

    Correlation of Radiologic and Pathologic Findings of Schwannoma in the Chest Wall

  4. 胸壁肿瘤、肿瘤样病变的CT分析

    CT diagnosis of tumors or tumor-like lesions of chest wall

  5. CT引导胸椎旁阻滞治疗胸壁疼痛

    CT guiding paravertebral block for the pain of chest paries

  6. 胸壁炎性肿块的CT诊断

    CT Diagnosis of Inflammatory Masses in the Chest Wall

  7. 胸壁病变的计算机X线摄影和CT检查

    Computed Radiography and Computed Tomography of Chest Wall Diseases

  8. 结合临床,总结肺、纵隔及胸壁CT的影像学特征。

    The characteristics on CT were summarized about lung , mediastinum and chest wall .

  9. 胸壁结核的CT诊断和分型

    CT diagnosis and classification of chest wall tuberculosis

  10. 目的:探讨CT检查技术在胸壁肿物诊断中的应用价值。

    Objective : To investigate the clinical value of CT in the diagnosis of chest wall masses .

  11. 目的评价胸部X线摄影术及CT在胸壁结核诊断中的价值。

    Objective To evaluate the role of CT or Chest radiograph in diagnosis of chest wall tuberculosis .

  12. CT引导下经胸壁针刺活检与吸引对肺部孤立性肿块诊断的比较

    A Comparison between CT-guided Transthoracic Needle Biopsy and Transthoracic Needle Aspiration for Diagnosis of Solitary Pulmonary Nodules

  13. 胸壁软组织血管瘤的MRI表现2例

    MRI of hemangioma in the soft tissue of chest wall : two cases report

  14. 结论:CR简便,能诊断大多数胸壁骨性病变。

    Conclusion : CR is useful in the dignosis of chest wall bone diseases .

  15. 乳腺癌改良根治术后CT模拟胸壁切线野照射剂量学分析

    The Analysis of Irradiation Dosiology with Tangential Chest Wall Field Using CT Simulation after Modified Radical Mastectomy on Breast Carcinoma

  16. 目的:研究CT引导下胸椎旁阻滞治疗胸壁疼痛的扫描技术和治疗效果。

    Objective : To investigate the CT guiding technique and curative effect of paravertebral block for the pain of chest paries .

  17. CT诊断肺癌征象与病理结果符合度:胸壁胸膜侵犯74.0%,纵隔侵犯62.0%,肺门纵隔淋巴结转移61.2%。

    The accuracy of chest wall invasion , mediastinal invasion and lymphnode metastasis of CT images are 74.0 % , 62.0 % and 61.2 % respectively .

  18. 应用胸壁电刺激术(CWS)随访起搏病人72例报告

    Chest Wall Stimulation Test in the Follow-up Study of Pacemaker Implanted 72 Patients

  19. 目的探讨侵犯胸壁非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)手术方法及预后。

    Objective To explore surgical methods for non-small cell lung cancer ( NSCLC ) invading chest wall and prognostic factors .

  20. 程序胸壁刺激试验对DDD起搏器各功能间期的检测

    Programmed chest wall stimulation test : Estimation of various timing intervals of DDD pacemaker

  21. 目的总结分析31例胸壁结核(不包括胸椎结核)的CT征象并探讨其CT分型,以提高对该病的认识和诊断能力。

    Objective To analyze the CT findings of chest wall tuberculosis ( thoracic vertebra was ruled out ) and to explore its classification in order to improve the knowledge and diagnostic accuracy of this disease .

  22. 结论VATS辅助胸壁小切口对较早期肺癌行根治性切除是可行的。

    Conclusion Early radical resection of lung cancer with VATS assist chest wall small incision is feasible .

  23. 方法对38例经X线、CT或MRI证实有肺、胸壁或纵隔占位性病变且不能确诊的患者行自制B超穿刺导向器引导下的快速自动活检。

    Methods Thirty-eight cases of lung , chest wall or mediastinum diseases proved by X-ray , CT or MRI were biopsed under the guidance of ultrasound , the guiding device was made by ourselves .

  24. 方法:全部患者均接受经胸壁二维超声心动图(TTE)、经食道超声心动图(TEE)检查和经食道动态三维重建(3D)。

    Methods 47 ASD patients were examined with transthoracic echocardiography ( TTE ), transesophageal echocardiography ( TEE ) and three-dimensional reconstruction ( 3D ) .

  25. 评估平台压时应考虑胸壁顺应性(级别1C)。

    Chest wall compliance should be considered in the assessment of plateau pressure ( Grade1C ) .

  26. 胸壁血肿、纵隔及皮下气肿、气胸、血气胸、肺实质损伤、创伤性肺不张等均以CT阳性检出率高。

    But the positive rate of chest wall hematoma , mediastinum and subcutaneous emphysema , pneumothorax , hydropneumothorax , damage of lung parenchyma and traumatic pulmonary atelectasis was higher in CT scan than those in chest radiograph .

  27. 进行了图像对比噪声比(CNR)值的测量,分析比较常规SE序列和动态增强的图像质量、病灶检出情况和病灶与周围胸壁深层结构的显示情况。

    Quality and quantity analysis were conducted based on contrast to noise ratio ( CNR ) and image quality of various sequences .

  28. 方法按照Poland综合征不同个体胸壁畸形的形态定制柔软固体硅橡胶假体,柔软度接近人的胸大肌。

    Methods The customized , textured silicone prosthesis was fabricated from a soft silicone polymer that approximated to the softness of the pectoralis major muscle .

  29. 胸壁胸膜播种性转移的HRCT表现有:(1)胸膜面毛糙和棘状小突起;

    HRCT findings of the costal and mediastinal pleural dissemination in lung cancer included : ( 1 ) Coarse and spined pleural surface ;

  30. 实验通过改良自由落体撞击装置撞击免胸壁,并加微量脂多糖(LPS)的方法来制成兔的创伤性急性呼吸窘迫综合症(ARDS)模型。

    A rabbit model of trauma-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome ( ARDS ) was established with the impactor and by injected limited lipopolysaccharide ( LPS ) .