
  • 网络chest X-ray
  1. 肺炎病例少37%(经胸透证实);

    37 % fewer cases of pneumonia ( as confirmed by chest X-ray );

  2. 所有年满15岁(含15岁)的居民受邀参加咳嗽和胸透检查。

    All inhabitants aged ≥ 15 years were invited for cough and chest X-ray examination .

  3. 一次脊柱x光检查的辐射量相当于120次胸透;胸部ct扫描的辐射量相当于400次胸透。

    An X-ray of your spine delivers as much radiation as 120 chest X-rays ; a CT scan of your chest as much as 400 .

  4. 目的研究制定统一的X线胸透、摄片、诊断质控标准(SQCD-XR),以期提高大规模的结核病流行病学检查(TBES)工作质量和流调任务的顺利完成。

    Objective To study and make a unified quality control standard of X-ray chest fluoroscopy , radiography and diagnose ( SQCD-XR ) to promote work quality of Large scale epidemiology survey of tuberculosis ( TBES ) and ensure it completed smoothly .

  5. X线胸透受检者的体表照射量分布及评价

    Body surface exposure distribution and assessment of examinee under chest fluoroscopy

  6. 一次X线胸透所致生物效应的观察

    Observation of biological effect of X rays at a chest fluoroscopy

  7. 列出血沉、痰病理检查和胸透力较敏感、适用和经济的指标,并提出几项防癌措施建议。

    Finally , some suggestions and preventive measures are put forward .

  8. 提高胸透X光图象质量的处理方法

    Computer aid processing method to enhance the quality of chest radiographs

  9. 这些检查也许包括血液检查以及胸透。

    These may include blood tests and X-rays .

  10. 胸透表明没有急性的迹象。

    Chest X-rays show no acute process .

  11. 目的比较和评价基于胸透筛选的诊断规程与直接痰涂片方法检出、诊断传染性肺结核的效率和效益。

    Objective To evaluate and compare the efficiency and benefit of fluoroscopy and direct sputum examination .

  12. 八号房的戴维森先生需要全血细胞计数,做心电图和便携式胸透。

    Mr. Davidson in eight needs a CBC , an EKG , and a portable chest x-ray .

  13. 胸透是诊断的最佳及最简便的方法,肺功能检查结果可反映膈肌功能。

    Fluoroscopy is the best and the most convenient diagnostic method . The respiratory tests can show the diaphragmatic function .

  14. 方法采用结核菌素试验、胸透、结核分支杆菌检查以及流行病学调查。

    Methods Tuberculin skin test , chest X-ray examination and mycobacterium tuberculosis test were employed in combination with epidemiological investigation .

  15. 例如,如果医生怀疑肺炎的话,也许会在常规检查之后,让你来一个胸透。

    If your doctor suspects pneumonia , for instance , you may have a chest X-ray following your physical exam .

  16. 其他的通过x&胸透,细菌培养物和推测联合使用的方法得到诊断,该方法经常无效并且浪费。

    Other cases are diagnosed through an often inefficient and sometimes wasteful combination of chest x-rays , bacterial cultures and guesswork .

  17. 因肺部实变和融合浸润,几无可辨认的空气间隙,故胸透结果常为白化或白肺。

    Chest x-ray is often termed white out or white lung because consolidation and coalescing infiltrates pervade the lungs , leaving few recognized air spaces .

  18. 测量器显示的43毫西弗大约是他做一次胸透所接收的辐射量,这完全无害。

    The reading of 43 microsieverts is about the dosage he would get from a single chest x-ray . No cause for alarm , then .

  19. 虽然其他的方法也可以诊断结核病,如胸透和血检,但是这些方法价格昂贵,并且在缺乏基础医疗设施的偏远地区难以操作。

    Although other methods can diagnose TB , such as chest X-rays and blood tests , these are expensive and difficult to use in remote locations that lack clinical infrastructure .

  20. 培养阳性肺结核病例360例,比胸透筛查法多发现患者63例,患者发现率提高21·2%(63/297)。

    Three hundred sixty cases were culture positive , among which 63 more cases were found than X-ray screening alone , the case detection rate increased 21.2 % ( 63 / 297 ) .

  21. 心火亢盛灼肺侮脾型多见白细胞增多,尿蛋白增高,血尿,心动过速,左房增大,心包积液,胸透胸片可见两肺纹理阴影增高;

    For most of hyperactivity of cardiac fire burn lung insult spleen type : the sum of WBC increase , urine protein increased and positive RBC , tachycardia , left atrium enlarge , hydropericardium , roentgenoscopy : lung markings grows thick ;

  22. [方法]对全区高中学生采用电视透视机进行胸部X线检查,胸透异影者进行免费摄片和痰涂片检查。

    [ Methods ] X-ray chest check was carried on through using the television perspective machine for all high school students of the district , free X-ray and phlegm smear check were carried on for the cases of chest fluoroscopy with abnormal shade .

  23. 方法:随机入选就诊的高血压患者60例,停其他降压药2周,测血、尿常规及生化指标,检查眼底、心电图、胸透以了解靶器官受累情况。

    Methods : Randomly selected patients with hypertension stopped taking other medication for two weeks , routine blood count , urine examination , biochemical tests , fundus-copy , electrocardiograms and chest X-rays were conducted in order to investigate the involved situation of target organs .

  24. 部分原因可能与学生较少接受X光胸透有关,预示着对自愿性风险科技的选择与使用的频繁程度及对效用的直接认识有某种关联。(2)不安全感评价特点。

    Part of the reason may be related to the situation that fewer students accept chest X-ray , which indicates that the selection of the voluntary risk technology is linked with the use frequency and direct effectiveness cognition . ( 2 ) Insecurity evaluation features .

  25. 结果采用症状查痰法发现活动性肺结核新病例900例,比胸透筛查法多发现活动性肺结核患者73例,患者发现率提高8·8%(73/827);

    Results Nine hundred new cases of active pulmonary TB were detected by application of sputum examination to TB suspects , among which 73 more cases were found than X-ray screening alone , and the case detection rate increased 8.8 % ( 73 / 827 ) .

  26. 学生对核电的支持程度较高,并符合非理性冒险模式,在有用和风险并存的情况下更倾向于选择有用:对X光胸透的支持率较低,符合理性否定模式。

    Students have higher support degree to the nuclear power , which fits the irrational-adventure mode , and more tend to choose usefulness in the coexistence of usefulness and risk . Students have lower support rate to the chest X-ray , which fits the rational-negation mode .