
  • 网络internal thoracic a;internal thoracic artery;ITA;LITA
  1. 胸廓内动脉的超声应用解剖学研究

    Applied Anatomic Study of Internal Thoracic Artery with Ultrasonic Examination

  2. 胸廓内动脉组织学和应用解剖学研究

    Histological and anatomical studies on the internal thoracic artery

  3. 方法:采用Seldinger法经股动脉穿刺,将导管置入锁骨下动脉与胸廓内动脉开口处,注入化疗药物,观察其近期疗效。

    Methods : According to Seldinger method , catheter was put into the opening of subclavian artery and thoracic internal artery through subcutaneous femoral artery puncture , then anti-cancer agents were given and recent response of the lumps was observed .

  4. 家兔左心室壁内动脉胸廓内动脉组织学和应用解剖学研究

    The intramural arteries in the left ventricle of the rabbit heart

  5. 胸廓内动脉与冠状动脉旁路搭桥术的应用解剖

    Applied anatomy of the internal thoracic & coronary arterial bypass grafting

  6. 经胸廓内动脉化学栓塞治疗中晚期肺癌

    Internal thoracic arterial chemoembolization in the treatment of advanced lung cancer

  7. 1004例胸廓内动脉-冠状动脉旁路术的体会

    Internal Mammary Artery Bypass Surgery : Experience Based on Clinical Application in 1004 Patients

  8. 结论翻转胸廓内动脉冠状动脉旁路术是一种可行的手术方法。

    Conclusion Coronary artery bypass using ITA in a reversed way is a feasible method .

  9. 翻转胸廓内动脉冠状动脉旁路术的实验研究

    Coronary artery bypass using internal thoracic artery in a reversed way : an anatomical study

  10. 对左胸廓内动脉行选择性动脉造影术,显示了一根分支血管的假动脉瘤形成。

    Selective arteriography of the right internal thoracic artery revealed a feeder vessel for the pseudoaneurysm .

  11. 胸廓内动脉冠状动脉搭桥术有关的解剖学

    HISTOLOGICAL AND ANATOMICAL STUDIES ON THE INTERNAL THORACIC ARTERY Anatomic aspects of the internal thoracic-coronary arterial bypass

  12. 胸廓内动脉长度大约为19㎝,可以保证两条搭桥血管的长度。

    The length of internal thoracic artery is about 19 ㎝, which can guarantee the length of two bypass vessels .

  13. 取用胸廓内动脉时要取用第六肋软骨以上的血管,保证血管管径。

    Access to internal thoracic artey to the sixth costal cartilage above the vascular access to ensure the vessel diameter .

  14. 目的研究翻转胸廓内动脉用于冠状动脉旁路术的可行性。

    Objective To study the feasibility of coronary artery bypass using internal thoracic artery ( ITA ) in a reversed way .

  15. 方法:32例经内科治疗无效的咯血患者对其支气管动脉、肋间动脉或胸廓内动脉等供血动脉行灌注-栓塞法治疗。

    Methods : Thirty-two patients with hemoptysis were performed infusion-embolization therapy of the bronchial artery branches , intercostal artery and internal thoracic artery .

  16. 结果140例患者中,11例胸廓内动脉纤细或狭窄,28例存在不同程度颈内动脉狭窄。

    Results Among the 140 cases , 11 internal mammary arteries were not qualified , 14 of 74 radial arteries were not qualified .

  17. 目的为了明确胸廓内动脉远心端供血能力,以及胸廓内静脉远心端回流能力。

    Objective To verify the ability of distal ends of internal mammary artery and vein used as recipient vessels on breast and chest wall reconstruction .

  18. 目的通过对胸廓内动脉的解剖学观测及与彩色多普勒超声的对照研究,旨在为心冠状动脉桥接术和影像解剖学提供依据和解剖学资料。

    Objective : The data obtained by utilizing color Doppler ultrasonography and anatomic observation of internal thoracic artery is provided for coronary artery bypass grafting .

  19. 结果于近端切断胸廓内动脉可以保证该动脉逆向供血,血供来源于下位肋间动脉、肌隔动脉和腹壁上动脉。

    Results ITA can get blood supply from the inferior intercostal arteries , musculophrenic artery and superior epigastric artery , if its proximal end was divided .

  20. 本研究观测了40具成人尸体的胸廓内动脉,并对10条胸廓内动脉进行了组织学检查。

    The internal thoracic artery ( ITA ) was investigated on40 adult cadavers by means of morphometry , and histological examination was also performed on10 ITA .

  21. 8例2次栓塞后止血,其中5例行支气管动脉和超选择行胸廓内动脉栓塞止血,1例在第二次栓塞后1周因再次大咯血而死亡。

    Of 8 cases was hemostasis by bronchial artery embolization and superselective internal thoracic artery embolization , and 1 of 8 cases died for serious hemoptysis again .

  22. 血清纤维结合蛋白的测定并初步试用于临床病例的观察1004例胸廓内动脉-冠状动脉旁路术的体会

    A Simple Method for Determination of Serum Fibronectin Activity and Its Clinical Application Internal Mammary Artery Bypass Surgery : Experience Based on Clinical Application in 1004 Patients

  23. 作者用猪胸廓内动脉作为移植血管,对51个猪心冠状动脉施行了153个序列式吻合口。

    One hundred fifty three sequential anastomoses were performed on 3 main coronary arteries of 51 isolated porcine hearts with porcine internal mammary artery as graft segments .

  24. 估计此假动脉瘤是关闭胸腔的缝线对左胸廓内动脉的分支造成了损伤而形成。

    The pseudoaneurysm was suspected to have resulted from trauma to a branch of the right internal thoracic artery from one of the sternal wires used for sternotomy closure .

  25. 胸廓内动脉的假动脉瘤较罕见,在胸部创伤,中心静脉导管插入术,胸壁感染及开胸术等有报道。

    Pseudoaneurysms of the internal thoracic artery are rare and have been described in the contexts of chest trauma , central venous cannulation , and chest-wall infection and after sternotomy .

  26. 观察记录胸廓内动脉的起始部位和终末分支,以及胸廓内动脉与胸横肌的关系。

    Observe and record the beginning of the internal thoracic artery , and the final part of it , and the relationship between thoracic chest muscle and internal thoracic artery .

  27. 吻合材料为离体人胸廓内动脉、活体大白鼠腹主动脉及离体猪心脏和胸廓内动脉。

    Internal mammary artery ( IMA ) harvested from patients undergoing coronary bypass procedures , rat abdominal aorta , and in vitro swine heart and IMA were chosen as the experimental materials .

  28. 大约80%多的胸廓内动脉在第六肋间隙形成终末分支,也有少数在第五肋间隙和第七肋就形成终末分支。

    About 80 percent of the internal thoracic artery to form terminal branches in the sixth intercostals space , a few ribs in the fifth and seventh intercostal space on the formation of terminal branches .

  29. 如果切除一段第2肋软骨,以胸廓内动脉连同第Ⅰ、Ⅱ穿动脉为血管蒂,可以扩大皮瓣的采取范围。

    All these advantages are in favor for taking the second perforating artery as the pedicle artery of the free flap or even to take the internal thoracic artery of the same segment together with it .

  30. 胸廓内动脉在上4个肋间隙发出的穿动脉中,以第Ⅱ穿动脉的出现率最高,平均管径最粗,分布面积也最大。

    Among the perforating arteries of the internal thoracic artery in the upper four intercostal spaces , the second perforating artery presents a higher incidence of occurence , it also possesses a larger caliber and distributing area .