
  1. 我很好,很高兴听见你的声音。

    I 'm good . it 's good to hear you .

  2. 她的意识逐渐消退,但是还能够听见你的声音。

    Her senses are dimming , but hearing will linger .

  3. 投票,他们就能听见你的声音。

    So , vote so that your voice is heard .

  4. “我死后还会听见你的声音”

    " If I were dead and buried and I heard your voice ,"

  5. 因为他说最不想听见你的声音。

    Because he says you 're the last voice he wants to hear .

  6. 我可以在电话里听见你的声音。

    I hear Ur voice on the line .

  7. 请大点声讲,让屋子后面的人也能听见你的声音。

    Please speak up so that the people at the back of the room can hear you .

  8. 要小心使用更轻柔的语调,从而让信众仍然能听见你的声音。

    Be careful in using a softer tone of voice so that you can still be heard by your members .

  9. 我死后还会听见你的声音,我在墓中的灵魂依然欢欣。

    If I were dead and buried and I heard your voice , beneath the sod my heart of dust would still rejoice .

  10. 让他们疲惫到只听你的话只能听见你的声音只做你叫他们做的事情,不做其他事

    Make them so tired they only listen to you . Only hear your voice , only do what you say , and nothing else .

  11. 轮到我了,我怕见你,怕听见你的声音,怕想起你!有个人,伤了我。

    It 's my turn now . I dare not to see you , to hear you , to think about you ! Somebody hurt me .

  12. 但人对米迦说:“你不要使我们听见你的声音,恐怕有性暴的人攻击你,以致你和你的全家尽都丧命。”

    The Danites answered ," Don 't argue with us , or some hot-tempered men will attack you , and you and your family will lose your lives . "

  13. 我会是你天空中的云彩,我会在你哭的时候给你关怀,我能听见你的声音,在你叫我地时候。我是你的天使。

    I 'll be your cloud up in the sky , I 'll be your shoulder when you cry , I hear your voices when you call me , I 'm your angel .

  14. 你可以听见你母亲的声音吗?

    Can you hear your mother 's voice ?

  15. 我听见了你的声音,但是我没有仔细聆听。

    I heard you but did not listen ,

  16. 我不能承受,听见你远去的声音,不,不

    I cannot hear you breaking up oooohh

  17. 我必使你唱歌的声音止息,人也不再听见你弹琴的声音。

    And I will cause the noise of thy songs to cease ; and the sound of thy harps shall be no more heard .

  18. 自从我最后听见你说话的声音之后,我总算苦熬过来了,你必须原谅我,因为我只是为了你才奋斗的!

    I 've fought through a bitter life since I last heard your voice ; and you must forgive me , for I struggled only for you ! '

  19. 当你的心平静下来之后,当你不再与自己,与你周围的世界争抢匆忙而活的时候,你可以听见你内心的声音。

    When your mind is calm , when you have stopped your daily rush with no fight with yourself and outer world , you can hear your inner voice .