
  • Array;Array
听书 [tīng shū]
  • [listen to storytelling] 听说书人说书

  • 咱们不看戏,到茶馆里听书吧

  1. 2008年被亚马逊收购的Audible为数百万会员开通了一项订阅服务,这些会员一年平均听书18本。

    Audible , which Amazon bought in 2008 , runs a subscription service for millions of members , who listen to an average of 18 books a year .

  2. 韵河(LibSonar):基于音频内容检索的中华历史文化听书馆基于内容的图像检索技术在服装检索中的应用

    LibSonar : An Speech Indexing Based Chinese History Audio-Library ; The Application of Content Based Image Retrieval Technology in Clothing Retrieval System

  3. 我偷偷地跑去听书,忘记了她分配给我的活儿。

    She was unhappy with me for forgetting my chores .

  4. 我每天下午都要去这个茶馆听书。

    Every afternoon , I go to the teahouse to listen to storytelling .

  5. 如果你喜欢听书,这种方式会很适合你。

    If you prefer to do your reading by listening , this option will work well for you .

  6. 写绝不仅仅是巩固听书读写的手段,也是书面语传递信息的一种紧急方式。

    Writing is not only the way of solidifying listening , speaking , reading and writing , but a kind of urgent way of conveying writing language .

  7. 她常常同时买一本有声书和一本电子书,这样就可以在做其他事情的时候继续听故事。整个一天她都在自己的安卓手机上听书。

    She often buys both an audio book and an e-book so that she can stick with the story while she 's doing other things . Throughout the day , she listens to books on her Android phone .