
tīnɡ zhènɡ huì
  • hearing;public hearing;testimonial session
  1. 听证会周末暂停。

    The hearing was recessed for the weekend .

  2. 他因有外遇而要面临纪律听证会的裁决。

    He will now face a disciplinary hearing for having an affair

  3. 今天的听证会只是展开立法程序的第一步。

    Today 's hearing was just the first step in the legislative process .

  4. 取保候审听证会通常在3分钟内结束。

    The remand hearing is often over in three minutes

  5. 听证会促使总统想出了这些建议。

    The president was moved to come up with these suggestions after the hearings .

  6. 听证会现已休会就餐。

    The hearings have now recessed for dinner

  7. 下次听证会将以不同的方式进行,以尽可能淡化审判似的气氛。

    The next hearings will be structured differently in order to minimize the inquisitorial atmosphere .

  8. 一位消息人士预测委员会听证会不会在政策上作出重大转变。

    One source predicts no major shift in policy will be forthcoming at the committee hearings .

  9. 华盛顿的政客们却要举行电视听证会,在会上中伤石油公司,以获得更多的选票。

    The politicians in Washington can get more votes by holding televised hearings where they vilify the oil companies .

  10. 在上个月的初步听证会中,各方对获得财政支持表示担忧。

    At preliminary hearings last month , concerns were expressed about access to financial support .

  11. 欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)将于今日就应该如何应对该协议举行听证会。

    The European Commission is holding hearings today on how it should respond to the deal .

  12. 控方认为,在DNA听证会上辩方证人经常有一个既定的目的,即确保主题保持有争议。

    The prosecution believes that defense witnesses in DNA hearings often have a vested interest in making sure that the subject stays controversial .

  13. 在这个区域内有超过12个审前DNA听证会,每个都需要2-6星期的审判时间。

    There have been over a dozen pre-trial DNA evidentiary hearings in this jurisdiction , each requiring two to six weeks of courtroom time .

  14. 几个法官评论说在Frye案中召开有关DNA的听证会是极端错误的。

    Several judges have remarked that Frye hearings over DNA can be extremely vicious .

  15. 就在今天,FDA组织了听证会讨论这一话题。

    Just today , the FDA held a hearing to discuss the issue .

  16. 原因是直到听证会召开前夕,中国方面才不情不愿地交出了东南融通(LongtopFinancialTechnologies)的审计工作底稿。

    That is because just before the hearing the CSRC coughed up the working papers on Longtop financial technologies .

  17. 平等就业机会委员会(EqualEmploymentOpportunityCommission)收到的歧视投诉越来越多,该机构最近举行了听证会,内容是关于对护理人员的歧视。

    Amid rising discrimination complaints to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission , the agency is holding a hearing Wednesday on bias against people with caregiving duties .

  18. sheila,帮我开始弄一场听证会。

    Sheila , start working on getting me co-sponsors and a hearing date .

  19. 美国国会外交事务小组委员会星期三就甲型H1N1流感疫情对于美国和世界的影响举行听证会。

    A congressional foreign affairs subcommittee held a hearing Wednesday on the national and global implications of the H1N1 flu epidemic .

  20. LordNeuberger,英格兰和威尔士第二高级法官,表达了对电视转播听证会的谨慎赞同。

    Lord Neuberger , the second-most-senior judge in England and Wales , has expressed cautious approval for televised hearings .

  21. 任何认为言语不值钱的人,都该看看美国运输部长雷拉胡德(RayLaHood)周三在一个听证会上的证词。

    Anyone who thinks talk is cheap should look at US transportation secretary Ray LaHood 's testimony on Wednesday .

  22. NPR新闻的迪娜·拉斯顿发回报道,听证会提供了一些有关此案的新细节信息。

    As NPR 's Dina Temple-Raston reports the hearing provided few new details about the case .

  23. 美国参议院举行的本伯南克(BenBernanke)提名确认听证会,清楚地勾画出了两种截然不同的对美联储(Fed)未来的设想。

    Two sharply contrasting visions of the future of the Federal Reserve have been thrown into sharp relief by Ben Bernanke 's confirmation hearings in the US Senate .

  24. 非连续型Volterra积分方程最小和最大解对南非实行石油禁运听证会小组


  25. 据NPR新闻的杰夫·布拉迪报道,今天桑达斯基并没有出席宾夕法尼亚州上诉法庭的听证会。

    NPR 's Jeff Brady reports Sandusky did not attend the hearing today before a Pennsylvania appeals court .

  26. 他对于HowardRiddle法官拒绝了他的保释并将其送到监狱一事未予回应,12月14日,将会召开有关他引渡事宜的听证会。

    He showed no reaction as Judge Howard Riddle denied him bail and sent him to jail until his next extradition hearing on Dec.14 .

  27. 科比·迪克(KirbyDick)获奥斯卡提名的《隐秘的战争》(TheInvisibleWar,2012)是关于军队中的性侵问题,最后众议院还就此进行了一次听证会。

    Kirby Dick 's Oscar-nominated " The Invisible War " ( 2012 ) , about sexual assault in the military , led to a House hearing on the matter .

  28. 此外,在一次众议院药物安全听证会中,数名立法者就关于为何还不召回文迪雅对FDA施压。

    In addition , at a House drug safety hearing , several lawmakers pressed FDA with questions on why such a recall of Avandia has not yet occurred .

  29. 在讲话中,范斯坦提到了2007年的一次参议院听证会,在那次听证会之前,有媒体报道称CIA已销毁审讯过程的录像带。

    In her speech , Ms Feinstein referred to a 2007 Senate hearing called after press reports claimed that the CIA had destroyed tapes of interrogations .

  30. 但弗罗曼在上周参议院的一次听证会期间预测,达成TPP只有“几个月”之遥。

    But a TPP deal is " a small number of months " away , Mr Froman forecast during a Senate hearing last week .