
tīnɡ jué fàn wéi
  • hearing range
  1. 但令人惊奇的是,我们头部和颈部血液循环的声音就在这个听觉范围之内,而我们却听不到。

    Curiously , the sound of blood flow in the vessels of our head and neck is within hearing range , yet we do not hear it .

  2. 这些高强度的超声波(20~65KHz)不在人类和大部分家养宠物的听觉范围内,但能被害虫听到。

    These high intensity ultrasonic sound waves ( 20 ~ 65KHz ) are out of the range of hearing of humans are most household pets , but pests .

  3. 而第三个盒子里是一些随机取样的大声的果蝠中频声,也包括在听觉范围两端的高频音和低频音。

    And the third box got a random sampling of fruit bat hits that was heavy on the mid-range frequencies but also included those at either end of the aural spectrum .

  4. 我会告诉他们尽可能努力地去弄明白,他们视线所及看到的究竟是什么,那一刻在他们听觉范围内传入耳朵的又是什么,他们眼下够得着抓得住的是什么。

    I would tell them to try as hard as they could to fully understand what is right in their line of sight , what is in the range of their hearing at the moment and what is in their immediate reach and grasp .

  5. 在你家里面找一个专用充电处,确保它在你的听觉范围之内而又不那么触手可及。然后每天回家后要做的,就是放下手机,让它慢慢充满电。

    Find a dedicated place at home to charge your device that 's within earshot , but not convenient , and make it a daily ritual to come home , remove the phone from your person and leave it there even if it 's fully charged already .

  6. 舞蹈审美中听觉感知范围和舞蹈音乐的结构。

    Besides it probes into the feeling range of sense of hearing in dance aesthetics and musical structure of dance .

  7. 人类听觉的接收范围

    the range of human hearing .