
huí bō
  • echo
回波 [huí bō]
  • [echo] 从雷达目标反射回来的信号,或在一个雷达接收机的阴极射线管屏幕上由这个信号所产生的踪迹

  1. 四肢骨关节MR梯度回波在半月板损伤检查中的应用

    Dedicated MRI gradient echo used in meniscus injury diagnosis

  2. 基于PCI和DSP视频回波模拟系统

    A System Simulating Video Echo Based on PCI and DSP

  3. 膝关节软骨MRI梯度回波序列的参数优化

    Optimal parameters of MRI different FE sequences of knee articular cartilage

  4. 调频连续波SAR回波模拟研究

    A Research on Echo Simulation of Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave SAR

  5. SAR原始回波信号生成算法的性能比较研究

    Performance Comparison of Algorithms for SAR Raw Signal Generation

  6. 基于真实反射场景的SAR原始回波数据模拟

    SAR Raw-data Simulation Based on Real Reflection-field SAR Images

  7. 采用快速小角度激发扰相梯度回波序列(FLASH)行动态增强扫描。

    Dynamic MR contrast-enhanced imaging was done by FLASH 3D spoiled gradient echo sequence .

  8. 基于PCI总线雷达回波信号的模拟与采集

    Simulation and Acquisition of Radar Echo Signal Based on PCI Bus

  9. 而PCI总线接口控制器的设计是雷达回波记录与重演中的关键。

    The design of PCI bus target interface is design key .

  10. 介绍了一种利用目标模拟器产生合成孔径雷达(SAR)场景目标回波的方法。

    This paper introduces a method of SAR surface target echo generation applying target simulator .

  11. 分布式小卫星SAR回波信号的相关性

    Correlation of Distributed Small Satellites SAR Echoes

  12. 用加脉冲梯度场的NMR自旋回波法测量高分子聚合过程中的自扩散系数

    Self-Diffusion Coefficients of Polymer in Polymerization Measured with Pulsed Field-Gradient NMR Spin Echo Methods

  13. 空心平板光波导中三脉冲TE模光子回波

    Three-Pulse TE Mode Photon Echo in Hollow Slab Optical Waveguides

  14. 引信体目标视频回波模拟器SDRAM控制器的FPGA设计

    FPGA Design of SDRAM Controller for Wireless Fusee Body-Target Video Frequency Echo Simulator

  15. 阐述从高频地波雷达海洋回波反演海洋表面流中,使用MUSIC算法提取径向流方位必须的信号预处理。

    In this paper , signal preprocessing for bearing determination of ocean surface radial current mapping by HF ground wave radar based on MUSIC is investigated .

  16. LFM脉冲雷达回波Doppler与多径时延的联合估计

    Joint Estimation of Doppler and Multipath Time Delay of Overlapping Echoes for LFM Pulse Radar

  17. 平板介质波导中TE模光子回波

    TE Mode Photon Echo in Slab Dielectric Waveguide

  18. 与普通渐变过渡段结构相比较,在X波段的大部分范围内,这种新型结构可使回波衰耗降低约10分贝。

    About a 10-dB improvement in return loss has been obtained over most of the X-band as compared with the ordinary tapered transition structure .

  19. 距离-速度二维波形分析数字动目标跟踪是通过高速采样存储N次雷达脉冲回波信号,在MTD处理(如FFT)后,分析回波波形信息获取目标的距离和速度误差而进行自动跟踪的。

    It gets range error and speed error by analyzing stored N - times sampling target echo waveform .

  20. 针对引信体目标视频回波模拟器中高速大数据量传输、下载和存储的需要,提出了用现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)设计SDRAM控制器的方案和方法。

    A SDRAM controller for wireless fusee body-target video frequency echo simulator is designed based on FPGA .

  21. 在特征提取算法中,主要讨论了APEX算法在超声波检测回波信号特征提取中的应用。

    In the extraction methods , the APEX was studied in the ultrasonic detecting signal .

  22. 用自旋回波SPIRAL测得柠檬的T2数值与用常规方法得到的数值完全相符。

    The T2 value measured using the spin-echo SPIRAL approach was exactly the same of that measured by usual method .

  23. 用分层双线性滤波器实现DMTADSL中的非线性回波抵消

    Implementation of Nonlinear Echo Cancellation in DMT ADSL by Layered Bilinear Filters

  24. MRCP及MRU采用单次激发快速自旋回波序列。

    MRCP and MRU were obtained by single shot FSE sequence .

  25. 文中还对CW雷达回波振幅统计特性作了探讨。

    The theoretical analysis is also made for the amplitude statistical property of the CW radar echo fluctuation .

  26. 非线性Chirpscaling算法可以处理大耦合SAR回波,实现精确聚焦。

    Nonlinear Chirp Scaling ( NCS ) algorithm is able to deal with high coupling SAR echoes and achieve fine focusing images .

  27. 目的:探讨MRI中三维T1加权成像梯度回波(3DT1WI/TFE)序列在肝硬化结节诊断中的价值。

    Objective : To study the 3D T 1WI / TFE sequence of MRI applied in the diagnoses of hepatic cirrhosis nodules .

  28. 对UWB线性调频信号的目标回波进行仿真,得到早期响应回波。研究线性调频脉冲压缩雷达目标仿真,给出了仿真结果并进行比较分析。

    We emulate the pulse signal radar of linear frequency modulation , The emulation results are presented , analyzed and compared .

  29. 研究了话音通信中的回波抵消问题,尤其是传统LMS算法的收敛性问题。

    This paper discusses the echo cancel in voice communication , especially the convergence properties of conventional LMS algorithm .

  30. 梯度回波序列(GRE)在脊椎病变的诊断作用

    To evaluate the diagnostic role of gradin-echo in spondylopathy